Black clouds in July?!

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Hannah's outfit above.
There you go!

Hannah's POV

"Rmmmmmm!!" The alarm clock went off with an everyday annoying sound. Last night, I couldn't sleep because of the continuous fights of random black clouds in the sky and the buckets of rainwater splashing on my windowsill. It's 4th of july, shouldn't it be time for a tan? That's what you like about California afterall! I wish I could be on a beach now with my legs camouflaged in the warm sand. I felt like running out of my house, looking in the sky and begging for the sun to shine. I would actually make a few shoutouts if just running and begging could do.
Slowly and lazily, I got out of my bed, slammed the bedroom door and headed towards the kitchen to see my mum preparing breakfast.

"Hey hon, did you sleep well?" My mum is the best mum in the world. So beautiful with long black hair, perfect teeth, medium height, fit and good cooking skills! What else do you need, huh?
I managed to give her a lethargic smile while I was holding back a yawn and went towards the kitchen counter just to give her a peck on her cheek.

"Seems like the night was okay but sorry honey, can't do anything regarding your hate towards the season"
Oh my carrots! How did she come to know about this. I am not an open book though!

"How'd you know that?" My eyes widened with curiosity and as I leaned forward so that I was accosted with her and yelled, "TELL ME!"

"Honeycomb, I am your Mom, course I know everything!"

Suddenly, I felt my my mum hold my shoulders and push me towards the living room.

"Oh goodness, your morning breath smells worse than spaghetti mixed with jam!"

"Whatever!" My mum burst out laughing as i rolled my eyes admiring her weird choice of words in my mind. As i stepped in the bathroom, i fet so lethargic that i wanted to stay in bed and never let that stupid alarm shake me till it wakes me. With a lot of toothpaste overflowing from my mouth, i turned on the shower and had a warm bath with the water running down my body like it was rushing through my veins.

I changed into my blue short denims and a red crop top with California printed on it, just to show my love for the place.

" the pancakes, mommy!" The Mhmm..was quite long, i suppose, the jaggery sauce was flowing from my mouth as in i was bathing with it, if only I had a bathtub now though!

My mum flashed a smile and headed towards the door saying that she had an important meeting and wouldn't be back for the next so hours, "Take care sweetie." With that she left me alone in our four bedroom house and a stormy aroma outside.

I quickly changed into my oversized white Vans sweater which was cleaner than the jaggery drenched top.

I tried watching a few movies but it seemed like the television was hacked by the the 'Black Clouds'. Our television was slimmer than Kendall jenner but never did show its fit body work in weather crisis.

"This hurts more than a breakup! Baby earth, subject some life in this machine!" I screamed on the top of my lungs and left a sigh.

I laid myself on the massive white couch so i could stare at the ceiling. Even though it was 9am, it felt like forever since i woke up. Within a minute, i drifted into a sound sleep with the clouds thundering in my dreams.


I was woken up by the ringing of the bell and screams of 'Hannah' out of the door, it took me some time to realise that it was 1pm already. I checked my phone which was continously buzzing with forty five missed calls and eleven messages left by my mum. With that i heard another scream,

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