Bad Boy.Good lips.

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The grip of the hands around my waist got tighter by the blink of every second. My new Victoria's secret pair was getting to slip from under my dress. I quickly turned to look at the person behind and was taken back by Dan's familiar face. He placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me in for a kiss.

"This is probably getting steamy" I could hear Rio whisper to the boys as i saw Nathan smirking from the corner of my eye.
I shut my eyes to enjoy Dan's soft lips on mine. He was taking in all my lipgloss by licking my lips in circles. He moved his hands from my shoulders and squeezed my hips and kissed me harder this time. I threw my hands around his wavy hair and started ruffling them. We both moaned as his member started wiggling inside. Dan moved his hands up to my stomach and towards my breast. Swiftly, I broke the kiss and pushed him away with the end of the stick almost drooling in my hand. Our chests rose as we were breathing heavily and smiled again. I could see him hesitate for a minute but thirst got over him and he made his way out of the crowd brushing his hair to the drink counter.

"It was sexy as a button!" Joy grinned making me blush and look straight at the floor. I felt everyone's eyes on me and turned my attention to my mum's room hoping that Neon would be back soon.
"Let's go ahead" I instructed placing my stick on the table and sending hopeful glances to Nathan.
Jake started eyeing everyone and his eyes landed on Natie.
I winced for a moment as i didn't have a hint of her presence these long minutes. I mentally freaked out thinking about the session I had with Dan. Never had i ever imagined her to see the punk side that I possessed.

I swam out of my thoughts and my eyeballs widened at two attractive boys approaching Natie with 'I want you' expressions. I mentally face palmed as I observed Natie as a helpless girl caught by two fucked up hippies. I wanted to help her but thought of letting her give her virginity to two hot guys. I felt a teaspoon jealous about the idea of a virgin having a twosome for the first time.

"Tuna sandwich with chicken nuggets! This is so sick!" Rio yelled from the left corner of the table as the first guy was smooching her while the other one was touching her butt and circling her lower back.
The boys picked her up and set her on the table in such a way that she was accosted with them. Both of them slipped their hands inside her dress which made her moan and throw her head back in pleasure. The second guy lifted her up and swung her around his shoulder throwing spotlight to her half naked lower body. They ran away carrying her upto my room which only made me groan by the thought of messy bedsheets by the end of the session.

"Cool" Nathan whispered besides me and picked the stick which was thrown by the guys on the ground.
"Umm...Nathy, it's you to go!" Joy smirked and eyed me before turning to the boys. I mentally slapped myself for standing next to a hot basketball boy, Nathan.
I looked at him with different expressions but he wouldn't notice a thing! I started breathing heavily and Nathan did the same.
Slowly and steadily, he leaned forward and we could feel our oxygen getting shared. As he was about to close his eyes, I turned on my heels and ran away.

"She's a shy baby. Awww" Lou spoke up gaining everyone's attention towards him. I ran all the way to the kitchen dashing into people and pushed myself against the refrigerator. I heard a voice speak up ahead of me.

"Lost, huh?" A boy from my class with messy sandy hair and grey eyes asked me, leaning against me and blocking my way. I put my hands on his chest and answered seductively in his ear
"Nope chocolate" I heard him moan and quickly backed off from his hostage.
"Hey!" He called me from our last position which made me snigger and run away.
I was having a pretty good time, running and forcing myself through the crowd until I bumped into Dan. He left a chortle and hugged me in a passionate manner.
"Searching for someone?"


"Would you like a surprise?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows which made me laugh. I nodded excitedly signaling him to show me the surprise.
He held me by my wrist and dragged me in the backyard of my house. I furrowed my eyesbrows at the quick change of atmosphere and opened my mouth to phrase a question.

"Why are we here?" I asked him waiting for his reply.
"Thought, i, maybe..ask you-u out..urr" I batted my eyes at him and licked my upper lip as he turned to look at me.
I took my phone out of my side pocket and typed my number on it.
"Love's in vogue" I murmured to myself, smiling at how I could crush on someone on the very first day of the meeting. I wondered if this was his surprise. He hardly asked me out! Sluttering problem, I  thought.

Dan pulled the phone from my hand and typed my number in his phone. I chuckled at his face when he made a blunder in the last digit. He gave it back to me and kissed my forehead.
My eyes widened at the sudden gesture but kissed his cheek, Dan cupped my face in his hands and I  moaned at the freezing touch that made him snigger. We were about to kiss until a voice called me from behind.

"HANNAH! Your mom's heading here. Run for your life!" My chest rose at the mention of my mum and shoved the people away from the backyard. Whenever i would look behind, I'd find Dan smirking at me. I stepped in the house not caring about anything outside and pulled everyone out. When no one gave a damn about my tension, I  stopped the DJ and announced everyone to get their buttocks out. I received many groans from the public but kept in my urge to apologise for it. I went to the guy who told me that my mum would be here and patted his shoulder from behind.


"Alright!" Said Venus, the footballer of our school and embraced him in a hug. His eyes illuminated at my hair sticking to his face and he pouted his lips. I laughed at his flirtatious try and told him to go.

As everyone left, I started banging on the bedroom door until a hungover Natie was visible to me. I told her to get dressed and asked the boys to leave.
Next, I knocked on my bedroom door for Neon to open. I had an expression of shock as Lou yanked the door open and groaned as I asked him to leave.

"How was it?" I asked Neon and she blushed as hell.
She pushed me on the bed and ran away with a steady stream that only made me laugh.

"Done" I muttered to the walls, now that the house was empty. I looked at the oak furniture everywhere and wiped the television screen, picturing the couple making out near it. I laughed loudly at my thoughts till a bullet hit me in my chest with the question 'Dan' 'why didn't you go to him?'.
I looked at the clock and left a sigh at the ungodly time. '1:00am' Gross!, i thought.
I made a quick call to Neon and Jake, asking if they were okay and intended to call Diana later.
"*cough* hey" Diana spoke from the opposite line.

"Fuzzball, are you okay?" I asked her and she hissed a long yesssss. After talking about Dan and the party to her, I hung the call and headed to my room. I quickly undressed and danced in the shower as i sung one direction's music along with the shampoo leaving a sweet fragrance in my hair.
I got out of the bathroom and changed into my red night suit and snatched my phone from the night stand.

"Where are you?"

"Getting home, princess!" Mum, uff!
I rolled my eyes at the energy filled voice. I hung the call without saying goodbye and plopped a gum that was lying nearby.
I let my body loose on the bed as a bubble started inflating from my mouth. I let the green bubble cover my face as i smiled at Dan's lips on mine sent shivers down my spine. Blast! The god damn balloon burst! I rubbed my face and started whispering endless profanities as I realised it was a packed condom.

"NEON!" A scream left from my mouth and yet thanked that idiot for not using it.
I got so hyped that i threw the pillow on the floor and washed my face in the basin. I took in a deep breath and galloped downstairs to reveal my mum's face.

"There you go" She hugged me letting out a breath.
"Night!" I exclaimed stretching my hands and leaving a yawn.

My mum patted my head and told me to get off to bed. I ran upstairs closing the windows and pulling the sheets over my body. I smiled at the memory of Dan and hoped he missed me too. I blessed the weather for staying good for a while and felt asleep as i kept the questions about the call made by my mum to Venus for tomorrow.

Hey guys! Finally, its done! The chapter's quite small but next one won't be, i suppose.
What do you think about Dan so far?
And do like Joy for being a clown all the time?
I love him a lotttt....

Don't forget to vote!
Tons of kisses! *;

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