Why'd You Do That!?

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Crazy in love by Beyoncé.
Fifty shades of grey.

"Hi sweetie" Mum greets me with a fine smile and I settle on the couch with a long huff.
"Doll, I need to get to my work place...so...would you manage the day?..I'd be back by tomorrow, before evening"
She slutters, fidgeting with her fingers and gives an apologetic smile. I roll my eyes and mutter a 'No'.
I go straight up to my room, strip and shut my eyes to be greeted by wonderful sleep.

"Hannah" I hear mum say and I open my eyes to a dressed up mommy and give her a hug.
"Dress up Hannah" She says and kisses my forehead.
"Bye" I yawn and rub my eyes as I step in the bathroom to freshen up.

From Neon - Don't worry about the project, I've made it. Good that Joy has got Riley as you say so.

I bless Neon for being a science lover and jump downstairs. Family guy, makes me feel better and I stuff popcorn in my sweet little mouth. I trace my lips and think about the kiss. I frown as my phone rings and I pick it up.


"I need your help. Can you sleep with me?"
He says with heck of a confidence and I abruptly get up from the couch.


"Just one night I'm asking for...don't worry, we'll be on different beds" I feel him smirk on the other end and tell him to come over by eight.

The afternoon doesn't do any good to me so I decide to shop some foodstuff. I get inside my baby and start the ignition. I pull out of the driveway to a simple grocery store run by an old soul.
"Hey, Could I have some bread and cup noodles please?" I ask sounding as polite as I can and the old lady gives me a fair smile.

"Sure dear" She hands me the stuff and I ask for the bill. Twenty dollars keeps me well as I insist her to keep the change.

"I haven't seen you much. What's your name honey?" She sweetly asks me and I feel like doing some gushi gushi with her cute little cheeks and short hair.


"So, Can I call you Hannah Montana?"

"Funny granny!" We laugh over it and I hug her with a goodbye. I drive home in complete silence and sink on the couch.
"Nathan..Danny" I keep on murmuring their names and a smile plasters on my features as I think how good Dan and Nathan would be together.

I slurp the noodles with a satisfied smirk and kick the carton on the other side of the earth.
"Full!" I caress my stomach at how full it is now and call Dan.

"Hi baby"

"Danny. You know I'm invited at Genn's place on Saturday" I sound like a little kid who's got popsicles for the very first time and play with my hair.

"Yeah..Hannah..I know babe..Bye honey I need to go for extra classes" He laughs at my euphoria at the end and hangs up.

I continue making moustache with my hair and pouting till the clock ticks to it fullest. Soon it's seven and I clear my throat that's been tickling since the past hour. I run to my room and splash water on my body in the bathroom.

The hardest part arrives as I get to the closet. I choose my brand new set of Victoria's Secret, a pair of black shorts and an orange sleeveless crop top.
I apply mascara on my eyelids and a cherry lip balm. I keep my hair simple and allow it to dance on my waistline.

The doorbell rings and I try to catch my breath. I jog to the living room and straighten my outfit. I open the door and my vision becomes bleary as his James Dean eyes burn into mine.

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