Pop The Bottles! (2 years since then)

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"Am I looking good, baby?"

"Beautiful as always" Dan whispers in my ear and bends down to give a peck to my tummy.
"Daddy loves you" He says between kisses and caresses my tummy.
"He's naughty. Started kicking mommy" I chuckle and loosen the area of the dress near my stomach.

My three months pregnant belly has begun to grow with the growing baby inside and I have to be a little more careful with body fitting clothes.

"Be quick. They'll be waiting" Dan leaves the room and I check my form in the huge mirror.
Must say, Dan's got an amazing house.
I straighten my hair and put my makeup on with normal flats rather than heels. I look at my long skirt and a simple yet party wear maroon crop top.
I dab my lipstick and stretch the moschino bag out of the closet to get going.

"Dan, are you done?" I knock on the guest room's door and it flies open soon. Dan's wearing a tuxedo and his cotton like hair is perfectly combed.
"Ready, Mr. Handsome?" I raise my eyebrows as he chuckles and pecks my forehead.

"Mrs. Tomlinson would be awaiting for her beautiful daughter and her fiancé to arrive"
"Of course, she'll be" I smile and look at Dan who has a perfect smile plastered for tonight.
He opens the door for me to get in and gently closes it. In a minute or two, we fly to the party avenue of our two years anniversary since the first time we locked eyes to the beginning of nurturing a baby.

"Look! Hannah's here" Neon runs to me and holds my figure in a friendly hug. She looks at my belly and bends down.
"Hi baby. Aunt Neon's waiting for you to hop in her arms" She says and kisses my cheek as Dan guides me to the drink counter.

The avenue is gorgeous with roses and sequins all over. Neon sits beside me and places her hand on mine. "You look nice" I compliment her appearance, shaded with a blue gown and curled hair with cute flip flops.
"You too" She says and passes me a glass of cranberry.
"Where's Nathan?"

"Here I am, lady" He pops from behind the counter, holding a glass of chardonnay. He gives my glass a slight cheers and winks as he opens his lips to capture the firm edge of the slim glass.
"Just give me a minute" Neon excuses herself while Dan and Nathan get on with their talks. I turn my head in all directions and they stop at Natie and Genn walking to the guests.

"Natie and Genny!" I wave them over and Genn runs to catch up with me.
"Aww...honey how are you and the kiddo?"
Natie hugs my side while Genn gives a peck to my eye. "Fine" I mumble and talk about marrying Dan soon.

"I really want him to ask me! I'm going to say a big fat yes"

"That's surely gonna happen. Take care of the babe inside" I grin and caress her tummy as well.
"How's she?"
"Great inside" She gives a warm smile and tells me about how Genn often trips over cats and his bum gets scratched.

"That's quite common now. We're used to it" I laugh and a pair kisses my cheeks.
"Joy and Riley!" Diana squeals and I hug both of them. I get down from the seat to hatch some wine.

I place the glasses on the counter as the bartender pours them full. The boys stand on the left sife while we on the right and go for a big cheers.
"Don't drink too much!" Mum and Dad walk to me and I run to hug them. She screams as I step on her long pink gown and widens her eyes as I ignore with an eye roll. I kiss Dad on the cheek and he offers me a gentle smile.
"How's my grandson?"

"I'd just say fine" Dan rounds his arm around my waist and snuggles his head in my chest and leaves sloppy kisses on my neck.
"You're going to leave a mark" I whisper and he kisses harder.
"Not in school anymore" He pulls away and I realise that mommy has gone to pull herself with a drink.

Couples by destiny has very well become our motto and all of us took admission in the same university in France.
The holidays were on so we made a quickie to come to our home town to celebrate the two grand years of our bond. My relationship with Dan has grown stronger with every kiss and every thrust. He got me pregnant when we completed schooling and were quite new and alone in our new house in France.
I did not bother to have condom inside me and let him explore my vagina with his sweet penis.

The house that we had bought was small with a single bedroom and not too fancy but we had finally found a quality time zone there. My bugs' apartments were very close to ours so we would swap houses quite often. Diana got pregnant about a month ago and Genn was on cloud900000 when he found out that it's a babygirl. Natie and Tyne were married, leading a happy life in England.
They too went to university but Natie decided to let go and instead work in a cake shop but now she owned one famous cake shop, especially known for delightful choco. Tyne still goes to university and gets his education done.

I look at mum who has her head resting on Dad's shoulder and his hands stroking her cheek.
A single tear slides down my face and Dan's hold gets stronger at the sight.
"Everything ,okay?" He asks while excusing us and pulling me against his chest.

"Just got overwhelmed at how mum's happy. She has had enough and this is the time that we have always wanted, her to..be..happy and get over dad's heart attack that took..away him from us" The tears find their flow and Dan shushes me.
Mom was married now. She had made up with the Australian man at the party and dated him for about one and a half year. She was no more over thinking about late dad's less period of time with us but building babies with my new dad.

Last week, mommy had given me a breaking news about her pregnancy and I had joked that I won't be available for babysitting as I have a mommy job to work for as well.
"Look she's happy. Don't cry, sweetheart. I don't want a cry baby" I chuckle as his words eat away my tears and set a picture perfect smile.

I put my hand around his neck and he gets closer by every second till his lips meet mine.

"Guys! I have to make a toast" My eyes snap at Dan who's holding a glass up and a smirk to melt on.
"My baby is going to have a baby soon" The crowd goes crazy and I receive many kisses till my cheeks become sore from the expensive shades of lipsticks.
"Not yet over!" I continue to look at him with a blank expression until he speaks again.

"Today, on this pleasant day and in this highly decorated venue, I would love to hold back a yawn and slide a ring in the special finger of my special angel" My mouth goes dry as he walks down, sits on one knee and opens the grand velvet box.
The people laugh over his humorous little speech while the ladies ogle over the box.

"Hannah. You're the one of my dreams. It's only you baby who drives me insane and gets me every time. It is always going to be you, to wipe my tears and sadness away, to hold my hand and show me out, to kiss my lips and make me dizzy and to bring out the best in me and capture lovely moments. You're the girl that I have waited for and prayed for. You're beautiful and the apple of my eye and you're the only and only orgasm go my penis. Baby, I'll never hurt you and keep that smile always attached to your gorgeous face. Will you make me the world's happiest man by marrying me?"

"Hell yes! Yes! Yes!" The tears of happiness and my legs don't wait from going crazy as he gently takes the diamond ring out and slides it in my finger.
I chuckle as my skin feels the shining stud on my bone.
I pull him in a hug and jump up and down irrespective of his polished shoes getting pricked.
Without any warning, I smash my lips and circle his tongue and he kisses back passionately.

We pull away and get pulled away by the crowd and my mommy kissing and killing the soul out of us.

"I love you" He whispers in my ear seductively and holds my tummy as my giggles fill the air.

Bugs! How are you? Isn't this toooooo cute?
Thank you guys for all your love and support.
Nobody compares to you!
As this is a short story, the next part will be the epilogue. Dan's parents and Tyne and Natie to senter soon.

Don't worry, I've got more coming out.
Don't forget to vote! Tons of kisses! *;

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