When You Just Want To Kiss Bae!

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"Long day ahead" I whisper and wake up to an empty bed with just me lying helpless on it.
I think about the night and feel awkward about it.
I shiver as the cold breeze hits my naked body and I decide to take a day off from school as my lower body swells with pain. I try to get up and sequel over a million times as my legs hurt.
I crawl and manage to go downstairs to feed my grumpy stomach with some leftovers.

An apple juice does justice to my tummy as I sit on the couch, thinking hard about Nathan.
"Why did he leave early? "Why didn't Frans come yesterday? "What about my Dan?" I question myself again and again and a wave of silence takes them away as I clear my mind. I take out my phone from the side pocket and try to call mum but the voice inside the phone says that it's switched off.
I groan as a sudden jerk hits my back and I massage my sides. "Last night...sorry Dan" I mumble and a stream of tears flow from my eyes. I sob softly and crawl upstairs. I decide to have a shower that's been inviting me ever since Nathan left.
I roll the towel over my head and go on to the closet.
I pick my Gucci sweatshirt and underwear shorts to go with it. I adjust in the warm outfit and a pair of black tube socks catches my eye.

"HANNAH TOMLINSON!" I fall on the bed as I hear a voice scream from below. I run like I'm in a stupid marathon downstairs and pull open the door.
"Mommy!" I scream and hug her tight. She hugs me back and tears fall from my eyes at how much I've missed her since yesterday. She kisses my hair and walks in. I sob loudly and hug her again.
"Is everything good, baby?" I continue crying and she hugs me very tight.
"Tell me what's wrong. I need to know Hannah"

"I don't want to cry"

"It's fine if you do" Her words were the ones I was thirsting to hear. I blink back the threatening tears and rub my face.
"He was here" I say but the words fall on the ground as they come out as a whisper.
"Who?" She asks me while kissing my forehead.
"Nathan" I look at her confused face and ready myself to explain.

I tell her the entire story and she rubs her chin in the thinking process.
"I know you always had a crush on him even though you were a freshman then. It's okay really but do not tell Dan yet"
"How do you know about Dan?!" I get up from the couch and do a face palm.
"Neon's news channel. 24 hours fresh news" She says in an obvious tone and I hold back an eye roll.
"Buldgeon...stupid colour" I mutter and hug mum.
"It's okay" she says in the hug and kisses my hair.
"Let me take you for a ride" I nodd and she gets up to dress in casual clothes.

"And yeah..how was the meeting?"

"Meetings honey..good" I snicker and she chuckles.

"Ready to go?"


"Vrommm" We take off in high speed as mum twists and turns the steering wheel and I laugh in amusement. I'm wearing the same clothes but don't care as this is the time of my life.
"Put on some music" I push the play button and mom speeds up even more.
"Mommy! Amazayn" I cheer her up as Justin does just the opposite.

My mama don't like you and she likes everyone-

"What the hell?" I laugh as mum violently changes the song to PillOWtALk.

So we'll piss off the neighbours..in the place that feels the tears, the place to lose your fears. Yeah, reckless behaviour..a place that is so pure, so dirty and raw-

We go wild at the chorus and stop in front of an ice cream parlour.
"Hold on. I'll get some" I smile at the Belgium chocolate approaching me and moan as a piece of Cadbury sweetens my mouth.
Mom goes for Vanilla and we finish it in two.
"Where to?" She asks me and I pretend to think.


"Aww" Mum takes off with average speed this time and we reach home in a blink.

"Night Hannah" She yawns and enters her room.
"Night mommy" I mumble and step in my own.
I unlock my phone and read the messages by Neon and Natie.

From Natie- It's okay Hannah..Be strong, we love you.x

From Neon- Had a goodnight with Nathy, huh? Love you, take some rest..Saturday yay!

I smile at the messages and type one for Dan.

To Dan - Hi baby...

Before I could write more, my ringtone starts playing and a happy squeal leaves my lips.

"Hey Hannah, I was so worried about you. I wanted to come at your place but was so caught up in a detention that I couldn't. Got a detention cause I was thinking about you. I know this sounds strange but...Anyway, Neon said she'll text ya and I was relieved for a bit. I love you dear.
Don't worry, I'll come to pick you for the part.
Are you sick or something? I'm sorry, I couldn't-"

"Dan!" I interrupt him and he breaths heavily at the other end. My eyes well up at his kindness and love and my knees become weak.

"Hannah?" He whispers quietly and I wipe my sadness away.

"I'm okay..just had a headache. I'm fine..I love you too" He chuckles and I smile at his cute voice.
"Alright, take care. Bye"

"Bye" We hang up and a toothy smile forms on my face as I think about Dan.

"I just wanna kiss Dan"

"I just want to kiss Bae" I whisper and drift in a peaceful sleep.

Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok.
This chapter is somewhat like that.
Needed some time off after writing quite that much, I would write in a lifetime.
This chapter is like a calming one. Her mom enters the scene and then tries to free her from tears...sweet, isn't it?

Do you like Dan? Cuz I love him!
Nathan is yet to come.
Don't forget to vote!

Tons of kisses! *;

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