Couples By Destiny

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"Let's go" Dan swings his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to his chest as we walk to the school hall. Nathan walks behind me and I tug my hand in his arm. "Hi sunshine" He wishes and I roll my eyes with a tight smile.
"Wanna hang out after school?" Neon pops from the locker area and runs to hold me in a hug.
"We'll see" Joy and Riley enter the hall and make their way towards us.

"Long time, no see" I kiss his cheek and Riley chuckes besides him. She shrugs and offers me a sweet smile.
"Busy making out" Joy says receiving a slap on the arm from Riley and giggles from us. We walk to the cafeteria to be shocked to see Genn and Diana kissing each other. The boys whistle and they pull away with smug smiles.

"Better together" Diana says and I widen my eyes as she talks about meeting him at a coffee shop and asking him out. We clap for the brand new couple and Dan elbows Genn's stomach making him smirk.

"Here! Don't you have classes?" The headmaster points his pen towards us and we roll our eyes scanning the empty area.
"Pretty late" Diana says and we nod. I check my schedule and the first class on the top says History.
"History?" I most probably ask a question and Nathan raises his hand.

"Nah...Biology" Dan says, looking at his schedule in disgust and rolls his eyes when none of us nods.
The doors become visible and Nathan and I hurry to the class. Genn, Neon and Diana slip to Gym class while Dan walks alone to his Bio class with a duh face. Mr. Hale has not yet arrived so I seat myself in the back row along with Nathan.


"Hmm" He asks as I tap my pen on the paper as to note down the important historic events with their dates. I sigh as I look into my book for Second World War and find an important paragraph and pen it down. Mr. Hale hadn't come to school as told by the headmaster and everyone stands from their seats to raid the cafeteria. Nathan motions me to get going but I insist him to let me fill my lungs with an empty classroom. He chuckles and leaves with a huff. I sit in the class for some more time and pack my stuff to join my bugs.

"Look what we have here!" Neon points to a banyan tree and we almost trip over our rib cages as our eyes trail towards Tyne's hand on Natie's lower back. She tucks her hair behind her ear and crashes her lips onto his. We run to the tree and laugh as they pull away with embarrassment. The empty park echoes with our laughter as they lick their lips and stay shut.

"Just happened now. Saw her in the park and made a move" Tyne says gesturing to a little boy in the woods playing soccer with the gushy sand.
"Brother helped me" I smile as his little brother looks at us and displays a toothy smile with an energetic wave.

"Couple?" Nathan asks between hiccups of laughter and I narrow my eyes at his rolling form.
"I like you totally support Taytie" Dan says and I clap my hands at the cute name.
"Taytie! Ay ay!" I salute the two of them and Joy erupts into chuckles.
"You guys are outstanding" I look at Riley who's already got her phone out, updating her twitter and feeding her huge amount of followers with some chicklit.

"How does Mcdonald sound?"

"My antitod!" Diana does an Irish dance and pulls Genn in a hug for shooting Mcdonald.

I sit next to Natie in the back seat as Dan drives. Genn moves to sit in the passenger seat while the others decide to go with Nathan.

The drive to McDonald's is filled with kissing chats and love for each other. Genn talks about sleeping with Natie and I choke a laughter.
"She's letting you?"

"Yeah after she lost her V card at the party at your place" I nod while Natie raises an eyebrow,  supplying death glares to him. "V card" Dan says and looks at me through the mirror. I clear my throat and ready myself to say something sarcastic.
"Man card, my baby has lost it"

"Excuse me?" He says in a shocked tone and Natie grins beside me. We pull in the parking area and I tie my hair in a bun. My skirt flares as the evening air touches my cheeks and leaves with a sweet kiss on the arms. "Better than my kisses?" I open my eyes as Dan's large hands cup my sides and give a light squeeze.
"Not even slightly" He smiles as the words come out of my mouth. "Don't get lost, you love rats!" I frown as Nathan winks and enters the delicious hut.

"Will go for double chicken burger"

"French fries for me!"

"Cokey coke please"

"Happy meal is all I need!"

"Cheese burger to feed my organs"

"Could a soul kindly pass me the damn water bottle!"

"Cookies! Burgers! Fries! Pay for me, you bitches!"

"I'm so whipped with Mcdonald! Buy me anything, seriously"

"I want it all. No, nothing else..Can't keep my hunger to myself"

"Bring the counter on!"

We all place our orders and munch our eatables as the lady on the counter finally breaths. I shoot her a smile and she intimidates to break a sweat.
"Cool" Nathan says and wipes his fingers clean .
"I'm full" Diana grins caressing her stomach while I suck the life out of the soft drink bottle.
"Where to now?" Neon asks.
"Home?" Everyone groans as Dan comes up with a brilliant answer.
"Okay then" Natie seems to like it and we all go for it as well.

All of us eat our trays clean and throw them in the trash bin. Nathan stuffs the packets of ketchup in his jeans. "Dude that's gross" Tyne eyes him weirdly and Nathan just smirks.

"How about a cute little picture?" Diana twerks as Riley talks about clicking a memorable picture.
"Alright!" We say in unison.

I pout and Dan kisses my cheek whereas the others do their own little thing. Joy holds the phone up and with a long cheese, takes heck of a nice picture.

"Couples by destiny" He posts it on instagram and we get out of the food zone to reach home.

Together!  Like everyone has a lover now but lemme tell you that writing this was clearly difficult.
Who's your favourite couple?

I hope you like it and if you really do then Don't forget to vote!  Tons of kisses! *;

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