Cindrella Ball

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Hannah's dress above.

I reach my driveway at about 6 am and unlock the door. My dress is now sticking against my skin and I really need a hairwash. I stumble inside as my sore legs deny from supporting me. I message Dan as I step inside and close the door without a slight noise.

To Dan - I have reached. Last night was amazing! See you later.

My index finger patts the send button and I remove my boots. I drag myself to the room and breath heavily. I slip my dress and pull out a pink sweatshirt and Joy's pikachu boxers.

Joy is the only boy who has been in my house for a stay during a hangover. He probably likes his boxers in my closet, I thought.

I jump on my bed and close my eyes as last night's cacette keeps on rewinding in my head.

"Hannah!" I open my eyes as the sudden voice hits my hearing senses. I roll down the bed and stretch my legs to let go some of the pain. I ignore my hulk like hair and yank open the door to see mum standing downstairs and waving her hands like we were on different islands.
I push my body towards the stairs and then hug her. She hugs me passionately and kisses my forehead. She walks to the kitchen and settles the paper bags.
I take it as a chance and wipe her kiss from my forehead. "I saw that" She says from the counter and holds a burger in her hands. She passes a mayonnaise burger to me and I unwrap it, moaning as the thick juicy sauce rules over my tasting buds.

"I didn't brush but... nevermind" I mumble to myself and rub my eyes as sleep drools over them.
"How was your date?"

My eyes shoot open and the lettuce gets vaccyumed in my mouth as I blush senseless.

"I hope you didn't suck the chocolate flavour!"

"Mom!" I storm out of the kitchen, blushing as I hear mom's giggles from behind. I enter my room and take the last bite of the burger as I force myself in the bathroom.

A quick bath helps a lot!
I take out my white full sleeved top along with a black Forever 21 skirt.
I look at myself in the mirror and put on a floral headband. I wiggle my hips like a doggy and check my phone before I forget.
I bless my fate for it is Saturday today! I get down the stairs and ride to Neon's place.

Let's go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun-
"I know we only met but let's pretend it's love!" I scream the lyrics on top of my voice and pull in front of Neon's house.



"Hey there"

"Hello Satin"

"Neon's in her room. Now I would excuse myself as I need to get to my work place"

"Oh sure!" I close the door and call out for Neon.
She steps out of her room and waves me in. I accept her invitation and sit on the edge of her comfy bed.

"You know we were bound to make a science project, don't you?" I ask her and she clips her hair behind with a violent nod.
We sit on the bed and I start my tape recorder.
"We slept together" I murmer under my breath, playing with my fingers and tossing my hair.

"What the chocolate fudge!" She freaks out and teases me throughout the conversation. I send her a death glare and get up from the bed.

To Mauriya - I'm coming home. I am at Neon's!
I send the message to mum and wave Neon goodbye. She walks me to the door and giggles like she has been in Madagascar.

"Bye colour" I hug her bye and start the ignition.
I watch her as she slams the door behind me and I pull out of her driveway. I take a left turn and stop abruptly as I watch mum locking the door.

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