You And I

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The rest of the afternoon was spent by sleeping on my massive bed and winning battles in my mind that I should have won before. I snap open my eyes and sit straight on my bed as i hear someone coming upstairs. I tilt my head from side to side and a smirk plasters on the familiar face.
"Butter cookie!"

"Oh yeah, I'm up" I force the words out of my mouth and pull the sheets over my head. I feel two hands breaking the relation between the sheets and me which makes me moan in displeasure.
I stand erect on the furnished floor and tell my mum to get something to eat. She quickly nods and flows downstairs.
I walk towards the bathroom and swing open the door to be revealed by expensive buckets!
Too many buckets, I thought.

"Are you good, Han?" My mum calls from the kitchen and I reply. I go on in the bathroom and study my face that has now fallen pale in the mirror. Swiftly, I tie my hair in a messy bun, wet my face and dab it clean.

"How was school today?"

"Good" Gross, I had a detention.

"What about the project?"

"What about it?"

"How was it?"

"Great" Stupendous.

My little white lies kept on replaying in my mind until I was brought back to life by the sound of the doorbell. My mum jumped up from her seat and was confused to have a packed box right on our doorstep.
"Mom, what is it?" I asked her and she gives me a blank look. As I walk to the door, my phone gets buzzed in my sweatpants. I take it out and smile at the text.
"Mom, the box's by Satin" My mum went like hallelujah in the entire house and pulled the box in. I laughed till my stomach hurt by her quick abnormal reaction.
We rip open the box and there stuck a card with a touching message printed on it.

To Hannah baby, I am very sorry for the delay. I almost forgot to send your gift with Neon at the party. Hands to myself! It wasn't my mistake anyways, Neon's quite fussy afterall.
Jokes apart, dearest princess, always be happy and make yourself and your beloved ones proud. Satin.x

My mum fake cried at the message and kissed it multiple times. She left the box to me and i decided to tare it to death. I just wanted to open it and get a handful of whatever was inside. I clicked a picture of the box and sent it to Satin with thank you along with an emoji.
I licked the scissor and regretted it as i made deep cuts in the box.

Finally, it was done!
"Huff" I leave a sigh and openbthe plastic bag.

Bacon with subway bread! It was a beautiful silver coloured party gown that flew right down to kiss the ground and it's silver delicate straps shaped the backless part with so much of Sexiness!

"Wha- sweet jesus! Beautiful!" My mum exclaims for about a quadrillion times and tells me to get changed. I go up to my room and plop on my bed as i pull the dress closer to my heart and swear to kiss it everyday.
I quickly undress and let the sweatpants go to a mysterious place as i let my body sink in the soft fabric of the gown. The gown fits just perfect around my waist and goodness, the back looks hotter and hotter.
I look at my image in the mirror and hurry downstairs to show off my Kylie Jenner lips that match perfectly with my gown.

"Nutella with milk cookies! Baby bunny you look gorgeous" She says and i blush a little at the compliment.

"Thanks" I mutter and run my hands through the thin fabric. I turn around to go upstairs and Click!
Mum clicked a photo!
I wasn't even looking at the camera!

I jump on my position and run towards her to give her a scolding look. She shoves the phone right in my face and i smile at my back that looks great in the photo. I give her quick hug and set to go to my room.
I shut the door and start posing like James Dean was watching me. I chuckle at myself and decide to take the dress off. Once it is done, i pick it up from my bed and very carefully hang it in the closet.
I make a call to Neon to update her with dress scenario.




"Yeah, Tomlinson!" She yells from the other end and i shake my head to prevent my mind from paralysing by her sudden outburst.


"Did you receive the dress?" She asks me.

"I did! It is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you babe. I love it" She giggles at my comment and i join in as well.
We talk about sweet things and ornaments that were yet to buy for the dress and hang up.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me. But bare this is mind, it was meant to be. And i'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me...."

The song went on with so much of love and passion that I didn't realise it was evening already.
My mum bangs on the door and i flinch at the attack. I pull the earphones out of my system and yank open the door.
There she stands with a complaint again!, i thought.
She hands me a cup of steaming coffee and marks a sarcastic comment.
"You should keep your ears open more often because bitches usually don't do that" She smirks at my wide eyes and walks away with pride.
I slam the door shut and profanities flow out.
"Bitch, huh?" I intimidate her and lay on the bed.

Suddenly, Strong starts playing and i groove as Liam's solo hits my ears.
I sing the song on the top of my voice and stretch my neck up to get the feels. My playlist slides to Loved you first and I jump around the room, banging the windows.

The musical wheel goes on for a few hours and i sip my coffee everytime a I hit a high note. I feel hyped after sometime and stop the song. I look out of the window to see a couple kissing under a tree. My mind drifts to the memory of Dan and intend to find his number soon. I frown at the thought that he has not contacted me so far but it goes out of the window as i pull it up and let the icy air fill my room.

"Wow..." I say and plug my earphones once again.
The next song that catches my eye is You and I.
I murmur the lyrics and a few tears escape my eyes as Louis sings his part. I wipe the tears and wait for Zayn to hit the high note with his marvelous voice as I close my eyes and make myself comfortable on the bed.

The song gets over and I cover my body with the sheets irrespective of the afternoon clothes I was wearing and plan the upcoming day....

Hey bubbles!
This chapter is extraordinharrylysmall and expresses my love for One Direction very well!

I wanted some time to think about the next chapter but didn't want to keep you guys hanging so i came up with this one.
My apologies along with Tons of kisses! *;

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