Confession Time

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"C'mon Hannah!" Dan shouts from the the living room and I do a blunder with my lipstick.
I keep my cosmetics in place and flip my hair to make sure that everything's fine.
"Hannah be quick!" Mum joins Dan and they clap going like 'Hannah! Hannah! Hannah!'. I roll my eyes and rush to open the door.
"There she is" Mum starts heading upstairs to give me a hug. I do a princess bow as she kisses my forehead and whispers, "I like Dan" in my ear.
I look straight down at my white floral dress and dab my red rose lipstick.

"Ready to go, princess?"

"Princess, huh?" Mommy teases as I run to hug Dan and fill him up with sloppy kisses on his cheeks.
"Awww..Thanks" We wave bye to mum and she leads us to the garage.

"Bye mum. Take care"

"You too" I flash a grin as Dan speeds up. In a quick span of time, we're out of my driveway, heading at Genn's.
"You look beautiful, baby" He whispers and hardly keeps his wild eyes on the road.
"Hmm" I humm, probably shy to reply and he chuckles.

"Hey there!" Genn walks out of his house with a shot glass in his hand and I assume, the party's started.
"Hi" I murmer as Dan locks his hand around my lower back. He winks and encourages me to step in.
"You look pretty, Hannah" Blake compliments and my cheeks burn a bit.
"Eyes off, mate" Dan rides in his demeanour and I give him a good smile.

The small get together is quite nice and pleasant especially when you're seated on a leather couch with an amazing view of the polished house.

"Pizza!" I scream as Genn takes the box out of the microwave. "Hold on little one" Dan patts my back and holds my hand assuring that I would definitely get some.
"There is!" Blake exclaims and passes my double bed cheese slice towards me.
"Mhmmmm" I moan as the mozzarella cheese drips from my mouth.

I feel someone cup my cheek and in a minute or two their lips are on mine. I take in the vanilla cologne and recognise Dan and kiss him back passionately. I lick his pepper filled inner side of the mouth as he bites my mozzarella along with my bottom lip. I moan as he lifts me up and seats me on his lap, cradling me. I suck his upper lip and a voice shouts from behind.

"Guys! Please get a room!" Blake covers his eyes and Genn's cheeks could be defined as ruby red.
"Umm...why aren't the others here?" Dan changes the topic to get rid of the kissing misery.

"They've got college, Danny" Blake says and the others nodd. "Thanks guys for inviting me" I say great fully and get up to drive home.

"That's fine. It was short-,"

"It was sweet" I receive many 'Awwssss' from the boys and Genn hugs me.
"I think I should leave too" Dan stands up from the couch and fishes for the keys in his pocket.
"Okay. Goodnight" Blake kisses my cheek and I murmer a goodbye.

"Yeah...I'm taking the mozzarella cheese one!" Dan jumps as he picks up a slice of my half eaten pizza and moans as he licks the eaten part.
The boys laugh at it and I blush absolutely senseless.


"So?" I question Dan again as he leaves me hanging with an incomplete one.
"Wanna have a sexy night?" I stumble as he walks closer and cups my cheeks.

The house is dark and it's almost 10 pm. He guides me to his room and I fall on the bed, missing the fun we had had few weeks back.
He unzips his denims and rips off his shirt as he seductively walks to me.
I get up from the bed and remove my dress as well.

"Eager, aren't we?" He whispers and kisses me right on my sweet spot, near the sharp end of my jawline. I tiptoe as I shoot up to kiss him. He kisses me back and the only sound in the room is of our moans and groans accompanied with gasps.

He stretches his hand in the downward direction to trace the elastic band of my lace underwear but I tell him to stop.

"No Dan....stop" I flinch as his cold hands touch my bare stomach in the gloomy weather and the dark room. He looks at me with concern and tells me to sit down on the bed. I kiss his forehead and thank him for being good to me all these days.

"What is wrong?" He caresses my back and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear with his right hand.
"Umm..uh..I slept...uhh..uhg..." I stammer and shake my legs as my chest rises with grief.
"Yes Hannah?"

"I slept with Nathan,, he told me.." I start crying as the word slept keeps on rummaging in my head. He kisses my hair and helps me to calm down. A number of hiccups pass my respiratory tract as I swallow my spilling tears.

I tell him the entire scenario and he immediately gets up. I sense the tears in his eyes as he rushes to the bathroom and locks the door. I sit on the bed, completely thrilled as I hear him splashing water quite hard on his body. The room fills with steam and I suppose it's because of the extremely hot water that is being splashed on him.

I force myself in my dress and hury to the door.
I walk down the spiral stairs and unlock the door to get to my house.

Before leaving, I look back at the McMansion and whisper an apology, "I'm sorry Dan".

This gets me every time, no denying.
This seriously took me a day to write cause it's quite easy to write confessions but as difficult as swallowing an iron rod to say it.

Anyway, I know some of you would hate me for doing this cause Dan is everyone's lover boy, no denying.
Don't worry, I'll sort it out soon and take care of Frans as well. Well, Joy and Riley are still a hot topic to discuss!

Don't forget to vote! Tons of kisses! *;

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