Crush Development?

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"Hi Han" Diana wishes me and I patt her back.
"The kiss that you shared with him was lovely" She whispers and I blush at the comment. I take long strides till I reach the lobby and wait for Neon to get there. The glass door flies open and Genn stands there with a confused look. I wave my hand at him and start to approach him.

"Remember me?"

"Yup. Dan's girlfriend. He keeps me updated" He replies and my eyes scan the ground. He walks to the enquiry counter and asks for a locker.
Mr. Wilkinson hands him the keys and he takes off to the locker.

"You're joining?" I furrow my eyesbrows and ask him with my finger pointed at his bag.
"Joined in" He smirks and takes out his phone to call someone. I decide to give him his space as I walk to the cafeteria.

"A banana milkshake please"

"Sure madam" I take a huge sip of the drink which makes the bottle scrunch and my ovaries burp.
I take out the straw and toss it in the bin as I continue gulping the drink.
"Is that Dan's bud? Diana stands beside me munching her hotdog.
"Yup and he's joined in" I say through my banana filled mouth. Her eyes lighten up at my reply and chokes on her turkey.

"Are you alright?" I ask her with my posture upright and she shrugs beneath my gaze.
"I suppose" She comes up with a rubbish answer and I pop my eyesbrows at her.
"Well, why do I think that you like him?

"Nope..why would you think that?" She asks and rushes to her locker. I follow her and lean my back against one of the lockers.
"Is it true?" I compose a question and her mouth goes dry at it.
"Umm..yeah..he's attractive" She murmurs and I shake my shoulders making her go red.
"Ohhhh....someone has a crush..." I continue teasing her as I come across Nathan and his nuts.

"Who has a crush?" He asks me zipping and unzipping his pants, gathering attention. My eyes look like they have swallowed a Mexican nacho and my cheeks became bright red. Diana clears her throat and walks away, leaving me alone with the gang leader and his gangsters.

"Yuck!" I yell and storm to the restroom. I run towards the left direction and a hiccup passes my senses as I open the door, revealing to an unconscious Diana.
"Are you good?" I ask with my hand resting on her shoulder and she nods really slow.
"I could see his Calvin klein!" She screams getting up from the seating area and I thank the Almighty for letting it be just us in the restroom.

"Pervert" I whisper and step out of the restroom and she follows me closely behind. We exchange glances and the bell rings. I take out my phone to see if any of my buds have texted me and get myself disappointed. I walk in my English class and get greeted by Dan.

"Hey princess"

"Hey Danny. You look great"
I compliment his white Roadster shirt and brown trousers.

"You too" I look down at my yellow short skirt and orange baggy sweater and furrow my eyesbrows in astonishment. "Do I?" I ask myself and bury the question as I don't get any answer.

"Hi babes. Where are the others?" Natie looks around the cafeteria and sits down waiting for an answer. Diana sips her tea and takes a huge bite of her stuffed bread. I roll my eyes and shake my head in a 'No' format. I lick my lollipop and pout my lips as the watermelon flavour wets my mouth.

"Whoa" Joy sits on his chair and points to a girl on the next table. "You see there. That's my new girlfriend"
The girl turns around in her chair waves at us. We smile at her and Natie waves her over to our table. The girl picks up her tray and we hear her excuse herself from her little group of girlies.

I offer her a seat and she sits down. "Hi. I'm Riley" She says and I smile at her white shorts and shoulder off pink top. Her hair is made up and tied in a bandana and she really has a warm smile.

"When did it happen?" Here goes Diana.

"An hour ago" There goes Joy.
We laugh at normal things until the couple decides to drive to Starbucks.
"Later on cakes" Joy slides his hand around Riley's waist and helps her get into his car. She says goodbye and I continue licking my lollipop.

"I'm happy for them, aren't you guys?"
Natie dramatically says, placing her hand on her chest and we chuckle at her glistening eyes.
The bell rings and we walk to our classes. I message Neon to give her a quick update of Joy's new romantic life.

To Neon - Guess what! Joy's gotta new girl. Riley's great and so is My Dan!!!

I send it to her and force my kegs to the chemistry class.

"Write down the properties and derive the equation. Be quick" Mrs. Rose gives instructions to the class about the equations and I patt my back as I get how to do it.
I pen down my derivation and sense someone poke my back. I immediately turn around to see an amused Nathan.

"Hey, I didn't get it" I roll my eyes and hand him my notebook. "No help, Mr.Nathan" Mrs. Rose says and I chuckle at his dry face as he shoves the notebook in my hands. She dismisses the class and I walk to my locker.

"Good day, Hannah" Genn says and I smile at his kindness.
"How about a nightcap at my place on Saturday? I'm sure Dan would love to join" He sends a wink in my direction and I jump with joy.

"Sure!" I say, clapping my hands and blowing trumpets in the mind of mine.
"I think Dan's gotta couldn't attend, ya know" He says and I nod great fully at his offer.

"Hey! Hannah!" I hear someone scream my name and I turn around to look for the person.
I stop in my way and get a little shocked at Nathan running towards me.
"Everything okay?" I ask him as he inhales and exhales very fast and it takes some time for him to be back to his Annoying thing.

"I need your help" His voice comes out dangerously low and I take a step back at his sudden dark eyes.
"What...helpp?" I prolong the question and look at him with curiosity.
"I need to show Frans that I've got a girl" He says in a normal tone and ready myself to fire him.

"What! Don't think I am gonna be your stupid playtoy!" I stamp my feet on the ground and curse for not getting my baby to school.
He grabs my arm and I stumble a bit. I get hold of my balance and look at him with a sting of scariness.

"I know it sounds lame but I need to show him that he's not the only one who's superior. Like, he thinks he is now and I'm scared, he might fall into trouble. The girl whom he's dating might be the queen bee but a guy should keep his feet on the ground" He looks at me with hope and I nod at his explanation.

"Yeah, he's been acting weird" I say and remember the times when he ignored everyone and acted quite rude to the people in the cafeteria. He wasn't like that before, I thought. He might be the naughtiest in Nathan's boy gang but he is a nice guy to have.

"But why me?" I clench my hands and ball them, waiting for an answer.
"Remember..he had a crush on you" A smirk shows on his face and I look down at my red boots.
He clears his throat and turn my left leg towards the North to get home.

He grabs my arm and pulls me closer to his burly body and crashes his lips on mine. He sucks on my upper lip and licks the bottom one. I try to push him but presses me against his chest. I stay shocked as he pulls away and winks like a fucking winky bird.
"Why'd you kiss me?" I blush at my own question.

"Had to do it, baby" I open my mouth to protest but the words seem to go on a strike as he smirks and walks away, leaving me all alone on the street.

Hey there!
Did you like this? *narrows eyes in confusion*
This is the actual start to me, I suppose.
It's gonna be fun to have Nathan and Hannah, afterall.
The word 'Cakes' has been used for the girls in the above part.

Don't forget to vote! Tons of kisses! *;

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