Text Syndrome

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Dan in the picture above.

"Morning Hannah!" Mommy enters the room with a loud thud that makes me want to faint and scream. I tighten the hold of the sheets around my body and tug them behind my back. I arch my back and lock my hands behind, securing me from any external force.

"Get out, Sleepyhead" She says and starts pulling the sheets off my body. I furrow my eyesbrows and blink my eyes multiple times as my eyes take their sweet time to adjust and throw me in the bright sunlight.
"School" I mumble and scratch my head to retain the plans I had made for today. The top line was emblazoned with ornaments in order to remind me to shop for my new dress. My mum watches me cautiously and tells me to get a shower.
I drag myself to the bathroom and let my body intake the warmth of the water.

It takes no longer than ten minutes to get out of the shower with a comfy towel wrapped around myself. I open the closet to be welcomed by infinite denims. Quickly, I choose black for the day and go for full denims along with a cropped hoodie.
I tie my hair in an ariana grande ponytail and admire the dyed section.

"Have you got some plans for today?" I ask Joy and he nods which i assume is a clear no.
I clear my throat as he speaks up.
"Dan's been asking about you lately" He remarks and I feel my cheeks placed in an oven at the moment. I open my mouth to speak but the look on his face makes me blush even harder. I punch his shoulder and he laughs which i take as a chance to escape. I walk to my locker and snatch the essential books for the day. I close it and turn around to have Dan staring at me. I breath heavily as he steps even closer. For a moment, our foreheads touch and I can feel him breathing near my earlobe. He kisses my cheek and shifts to the next locker. I stare at him with my jaw loose and body stiff as he smirks at me.

"Umm.." I try to start a conversation but that doesn't seem to help.

"Hey, Hannah" He says acting as if nothing happened and never did he plant a kiss on my cheek. I give him a smile and ask for his number.

"Would you mind giving me your contact number?" My legs tremble as he takes my hand in his and writes on it. I feel ticklish and a chuckle escapes my lips. I look at the way his hand fits in mine and the black ink spreads on my palm.
My eyes lock with his and we smile at each other.

"Done" He whispers and hands me the pen.
I turn to walk away and head towards my Maths class. I try to make space through a couple of people and notice Neon on the backseat. I squeal and embrace her in a loving hug. She hugs me back and invites me to sit down.
"Are you in lovey dovey with the gown?"

"Course, i love it!" I hold her shoulders and shake her to get the excitement out of me. She narrows her eyes at me and motions towards a guy with ice cream brown hair. He turnes around and i leave a hiccup as i notice him as Dan. I shrug and tell Neon to zip her mouth as she laughs uncontrollably.
I see him getting closer to the place i was sitting and takes a seat next to me. I sweat like a free falling waterfall and try to meditate.

"Looks like someone has a crush" Neon whispers in my ear and i turn abruptly to face her. She moves back and i smoothen my stern look. Mrs. Wayne enters the class following many groans from the class. I take out my book and bite my pencil as i try to intake all that she explaines. I notice Dan smiling at me and mimicking me by groaning and biting the pen himself.
Mrs. Wayne snaps her fingers and dismisses the class. We all sigh happily and move in different directions. I simply take out my phone and text Nathan.

To The Annoying Idiot- You're a jerk, babe.
I kiss the send button and smile at the text.
I picture him as a confused kid trying to breathe every word of it. I laugh it off and walk to the cafeteria. I find Nathan and his chipmunks enjoying their food. I suppose, they have not yet received the text. I walk to my table and Natie waves her hand at me. I give her a warm smile and sink in my seat.

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