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"Huff!" I left a sigh as I got out of the bed for a lousy school day. I dragged myself to the bedroom and had my mouth filled with the toothbrush's bristles.
I turned the shower on and had a refreshing bath.
After wrapping the towel around my figure, I wore a cute purple oversized sweater and black shorts, pinning my hair in the middle.

"Good morning!" My mum screeched from the living room making me roll my eyes and wish her too. I went on to raid the fridge and clapped my hands in victory as I found a cupcake inside. I quickly unwrapped it and forced it in my mouth.

"Mmmmm" I rolled my eyes in pleasure as the strawberry flavoured gelly filled my mouth.
"Gross!" My mum eyed me weirdly and gave me a plate full of fruit salad and yoghurt. I sat on the couch and chewed my breakfast and was suddenly hit by the devilish clock. "8: 00 fuck!" I screamed as I  pushed the plate aside and washed my hands without turning the tap off. My mum hurried behind me to close the tap and keep the door open for my tornado legs. I headed upstairs and knocked all the things down as I lost the sight of my phone. I grabbed my bag and promised myself to search for the phone later.

"Have a nice day!" I hardly looked at my mom from the rear mirror and drove my baby off to school.

I got there in ten minutes and parked my baby cautiously as to not bump into other babies and took in a deep breath as I recognised Natie going in.
I took long steps towards the school hall and screeched her name. Couple of heads turned to look at me and the headmistress told me to keep it down. I swallowed the lump in my throat and ran towards Natie.
"Hi, are you good?" I  asked and she gave me a tight smile. I talked to her for the next few minutes and texted mum from her phone.

To Mauriya - Hey, guess who! Stupid right? You have got my number saved. Haha.. i know. Just reached and sorry for the cupcake in the morning! Bye.. talk to you later. But this is Hannah, by the way.
I love Taylor Swift!

I clicked the send button and jogged along with Natie to our next English class. I took a seat next to a girl and Natie went on to the backseat. I eyed everyone waiting for Neon but finally the teacher entered and i cursed her for leaving me alone. The teacher went on talking the whole time but i could not stop thinking about Dan. I scanned the entire classroom and got myself disappointed.
I heard someone clear their throat and my eyes snapped to Nathan who was about three seats far from me. He mouthed the word 'Stick' and I stretched my middle finger towards him. I clenched my hands as I looked at him and he displayed a smirk.

I was damn sure that he was talking about last night to his fellows.

"Miss. Tomlinson. I think you don't like the subject"
Mr. Ford said in a sarcastic tone and leaned forward as to scare me.
I mummered a quick sorry and he went on with his lesson. The time was finally up and it was time for science now. I ran to my locker and smiled at the thought that Mr. Hemmings would be soon in the class. I opened my locker and took the required things and slammed it shut. I waited for Joy to get the robo as I saw Diana flirting with a cute guy. I rolled my eyes at her tries and she looked at me. We stared for a moment and she came rushing towards me. I embraced her in a hug and asked about her bad throat.

"It's fine" She croaked and I laughed at her expression. I called Joy but he did not pick up the call. Diana went with Natie to ask his friends if he was absent but returned hopeless. I messaged him about where was he and he came running from the cafeteria.

"Sorry!" He exclaimed like a five year old and we rolled our eyes at his attempt.
We helped him take out the robo from his locker and stared at the stupid thing.

"What do you think?" Asked Natie.

"Bum cheek" Diana rolled her eyes in displeasure and we chuckled at her senses.
We made our way towards the science class and were surprised to have Mr.Hemmings look at us and then at the robo.

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