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Hannah's dress for the date above.

From Dan - The thought of your lips against my neck drives me fucking insane. Help me Cup noodle!

Imagine waking up to such a seductive text.
I plop on my bed and curse myself for not reading it at midnight and instead keeping it hanging till seven!
"Good wood morning" I smile as the words come out of my mouth. I have been awake for about five minutes but yet this boy manages to make me have a goodnight again.

I get myself to the bathroom and get ready for school. I go downstairs to see mum missing.
I call out her name but I get no response and silence pours down.
"Mommy! Mom?" I try her phone but i gather that her phone has died right away.
My eyes switch to the answering machine and for heaven's sake, i find a message.

Voicemail - Hi baby! Good goody morning. No breakfast for today and sorry, i had an urgent meeting. *ends with a goodbye*

I snap it off and put on my blue platforms that would go great with my white breeches and grey sweatshirt. I let my hair jingle and stash my phone in the back pack.
"No breakfast. Urghh.." I roll my eyes at the statement and leave the house.
I admire my now washed and pretty handsome baby as I get in it. I make a quick check of the place by eyeing the rear mirror and take off like a jet.

"Hey, bread" Diana wishes me and I humm in response. The whole car ride is silent as the only thing happening is mentally fangirling over One Direction. I sing their lyrics and park my baby as Diana gets out of it.
"Well, Neon told me you had a quick shoppy yesterday"

"Uh-uh. She's right" I reply and give details to her about the new dress.
"That's good" Is all that she says and starts flirting with Tyne.
I give him an apologetic look to be caught in a flirty trap and move further to the restroom.
I push it open and wash my face, apply lipgloss and batt my lashes for a long time.

"Abra ka dabra" I whisper to my replica in the mirror and hurry to class.

I take the middle seat and note down the markings for French.
Mr. Lee Gade asks for our last week's assignments and I happily hand them to him.
"Crap" Nathan cusses from behind me and I smirk as Mr. Lee Gade presents him with a two week detention. I mentally applaud at his decision and flip my hair, showing off.

"Detention" Rio teases Nathan and he shoves his hands into his pockets as his hair bounces with wit.
"Go to hell" I hear him say as he orders a vegetable sandwich with a grumpy expression.
"Hey Nathan" I decide to torment him and he rolls his eyes as i mess with his sandwich by smelling it.
"Sweet mayonnaise" Jake speaks up and I bang the sandwich in his tray.
I receive many adjectives from the boys but ignore it.

"A tomato pizza and strong coffee please" The boy hands me my eatables and I wish him a good day.
I stretch in my seat and take a bite from Joy's burger. "Hannah!" He protests and rolls his eyes.
"Isn't that for good friendship?"
As I open the box, Nathan dips his hand in the ocean of tomatoes and I fail to stop him. I get up to snatch it from him but it's too late as Frans corners me and Rio robs my pizza. I cry in disguise and stamp my feet.
"Sorry, we couldn't stop him" Diana shrugs as she keeps her eyes focused on her noodles and twirls them. Neon suggests me to have my coffee and cool down.

"Coffee's better than pizza" She says.
"Coffee's better anyway" Natie marks and I sigh at how they could have sarcasm sticking to their skins when some nuts have stolen their pieces of happiness.

I make my way to the locker and it flies open at my strong push.

"Hey babygirl" I turn to my heels and stay shocked as Dan stands there. He looks hot in his blue denims and a roadster leather jacket. His hair is set in a quiff and his lips are stuck in a tight smile.
"Umm..hi.." I sound like a cat who has been molested by a dog and keep my posture straight. His eyes fall on my lips and then on my rising chest as he moves closer. My back is arched against the endless lines of lockers and I breath heavily.
"Uh-," Before I could say anything, he crashes his lips on mine and hungrily bits them.
I moan in the kiss and place my hand on his burly shoulders. He tangles his fingers in my hair and licks my lips. He asks for entrance and I give it to him. Our tongues dance for dominance and he wins the battle. We pull away for catching our breaths and he kisses my cheek.
"I did what I said in the text" He whispers in my ear and kisses my hair. I stay stunned and freak out in my head as his seductive voice keeps on ringing in my ears.

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