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"Hold on!" My little kid is now two with a sweetheart face and too fast legs.
"Luke!" Our house is too large and ever since Luke was born, I have been pestering Dan to move to our well decorated closets in our old apartment in France.

"Why don't we move to our old house? I ask him with extra wrinkled eyebrows and he just shrugs it off with an apologetic look.
"Look babe, we need Luke to get closer to our home town rather than just pop skittles at home"
I frown and cross my hands against my chest and stand still as I watch our little boy running around the house.

"Hmm...I think I'll have to handle his leopard legs then"
"Yeah..thanks Hans" He bits my earlobe and I chuckle as his hands cup my inner thighs.
I turn around and leave a soft kiss on his lips but he moves his hand around my waist and pulls me roughly. I moan into the heated kiss while he groans and pushes his tongue inside my mouth.

"Mommy! Dad!" We wince and pull away and look at our kid holding his teddy bear and spot tears running from his eyes.
"What happened?" Dan bends down so that he is eye level with him and runs his hands down his delicate chest.
"I heard both of you making not good sounds. Are you hurt?" He asks with his small pieces of innocence and I clear my throat.
"Baby. Mommy and Daddy are fine. You don't have to cry, you're my superman, aren't you?" I ask his little figure and put on a small smile as he nods in animation.

"Superman!" He exclaims and hugs my legs and I kiss his forehead.

"Mommy!" His voice shoots me out of my trance and I run to the big doors to see him outside a Rover. "Careful, I'm coming!" I scream back and run to see the guests outside.

A little girl steps out of the car and hugs my bare legs. "Hey Hannah!" A voice distracts me from the cute features of the girl as I look up to be surprised by Diana and Genn.

It's been a year since I last saw them at Luke's first birthday. The little angel hovers near my legs while I kiss Genn on his cheeks and greet Diana.

"I like the furniture"

"Furniture is the only thing you like about houses, don't you?" Diana smirks as I pour some nescafe  for both of them and help them settle down.
"Say thanks to Aunt Hannah" The little kid gives me a shy smileas I hand her some horlicks and tell Luke to play along with her.
"Where's Dan?"

"Here I am" Dan swings his bag around and kisses my hair as he stands beside me with a protective hand around my waist.
Dan is the new manager of the Mercedes company after his dad retired from the post while Genn takes care of the car modifying work at the company.
Dan's mom, Ms. Tiya divorced Mr. Oral right after Luke was born. The divorce had a great effect on Dan and it took at lot for me and our baby to bring him back. Tyne and Natie have a cute little girl of Luke's age and is called by the name Gems while Neon and Nathan gave notorious twins, Romeo and Velvet. Romeo has got melting looks like Nathan while Velvet has shiny hair like Neon and barbie like eyes.

"Yes dad?" Dan answers the call and Luke and Margaret jump high in the sky as their grandpa speaks from the other line.
"Alright, come in" He hangs the call and turns to the kids for some juicy news.
"Grandpa will be here by the next hour"

"Taytie too!" I face palm and hug Dan as Diana gives us some Taytie updates.

"Mini golf...is all I'm doing after retirement" I giggle as Dad rubs his chin and tells us about his forever vacay.
"I'm like hanging on a floral headband and working" Genn remarks and Dan gives a nod.
Tyne plays with the kids in the kitchen, showing them different vegetables while Natie cradles Gems to sleep.

"Should we chat to mum and dad on twitcam?" I raise my eyebrows as the idea pops out and the others give exciting nods.
"Sure!" Diana snatches the laptop from the bag and everyone rooms their heads in.

"There we go" She says and turns the laptop to us.
"Hey parents!" I wave and Luke comes running from the kitchen.
"Granny!" He exclaims and kisses the screen.
We laugh as the kids kiss and hug the screen while they talk.
"How are you guys?" Dad questions.
"Great Mr. Oral. How's the job going on?" Dad asks from the screen while Dan starts his tape recorder about the sea of work he's dealing with.

"Should we talk to Neon and Nathy then?" Dad asks as the screen goes off, signaling that my parents have done a tata goodbye already.

"I suppose there's a glitch" Tyne mutters while taking the laptop in his possession and trying his best to connect to the family in New York.
Nathan holds five bars in the city and Diana designs wedding dresses. The family settled in New York four months back and we are missing them already. They have not shown their flushed faces yet so whenever the clock ticks our free time, we give a call. Romeo and Velvet get pretty much along with Luke and the kids.

"So many people! Mommy!" Velvet exclaims from the opposite side and we laugh as Romeo runs to us.
"Hey bugs!" Neon screams and I clap like a maniac.
Dan holds me to keep up straight and I bite his shirt in excitement. He absorbs the squeal while I laugh along with the others.

"Having fun, eh?" Nathan kisses her neck and the kids hide their eyes. "We miss our joyous Joy and baby Riley" Natie batts her eyes in drama and we snigger.
Riley and Joy have settled with Nathan and Neon with a baby boy, Sweden Rain. He's three and more quite like Riley. Riley is a professor in an university and Joy owns a stadium in New York.

"Yeah..here we are" Riley enters the chat from behind. "Long time, loves" We agree with Joy and his little Rain baby hides behind his back.
"Little kid..shy of what babe?" I question and Riley pulls his cheeks.
"I would prefer you pulling my something else" Joy whispers to her but it turns out with nothing related to a soft whisper as we wince a bit.

I spot Luke and Margaret getting cheesy as they hide below the kitchen counter. I poke Diana and she looks in the direction. He leans a bit forward and steals her first baby kiss. She cups his waist and he strokes her cheek.
"Snap!" Tyne yells and the little souls pull away, red and cute.

They get down from the small area and look at us with their puppy eyes and Margaret displays her Katy Perry smile.
"Daddy! This is how you get the girl!" He exclaims and puts his hand around her waist.
I kiss Dan on the cheek and the crowd on the screen giggle with many awws.

"I got my girl" He whispers in my ear and I smile as the noise drowns in the brightness of his eyes.

Done! Done! Done!
The short story is finally done.
Did you like it? I think I did a bit...well, I ain't sure.

This is the end of my first book and don't forget to check out my new one that's called:
Baby's night out ( fanfiction).

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