Bag Bugs In My House!

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Jake, Rio, Frans and Nathan were the baddest boys of our school. They would always pull tricks on others and take girls to paradise every night.
The party had tossed upside down and now was full with cigarette packets that were free with smoke which would definitely give me Asthma!

Nathan and Rio were sipping vodka, as expected and the rest of the chain of my schoolmates were walking on their footsteps as well. I saw Frans thrusting into a blonde haired minion who had big football eyes.

I wish if I could just walk away!

As i was examining each and every corner of my house, my eyes squinted towards Nathan, who was leaning against the kitchen counter, holding an attractive glass in his hand as the smirk never left his face. I started walking towards him and he straightened a bit with that cocky smirk attached to his face.

I knew Nathan since a long time as he had dated one of my school friends in the past, i wonder why did he leave her?

No doubt, she was beautiful than a a light bulb! Joking! Peanuts to me!
I rolled my eyes realising that i ain't good at intimidating mom's vocabulary. I really don't do any good to words.

Ariana, was gorgeous with long black hair, green eyes, flat stomach and a curvy smile.
They almost dated for a month and then broke up because she had to move on to London for her further studies. He should've gone with her too, I  thought as he snapped his fingers right in my face making me hit his shoulder with all my might.

"Thinking about me, huh?"

"Never in a million years, duck"

"Daydreaming, sounds practical, doesn't it?" Nathan passed me a cup full of bubbling vodka mixed with soda.

I snatched the cup from him and fed my stomach with it as the liquid slipped down my tonsils.

"How are you, nowadays?" I asked him and he gave me a boring expression that indicated
'Didn't get any Girl yet'.

I laughed at his expression and he gave me a puppy look. That was cute, can't deny!

We chatted for sometime and Joy walked past me. I called him over and he was back to his Typical Joy role.
Tea in saucer! I love my doggy friend!

"How's school for you bud? Cause for me it sucks."

"I feel like puking." Nathan passed a comment and they laughed like idiots over a stupid comment.
I did love the way Nathan and Joy got together, they would make a zombie want to twerk.
Jake joined in and so did the others, i made my way out of the Boy group and went on to check on Neon.

"Cheese to the good lord, let's play truth or dare!"

Neon screamed on top of her lungs and pulled me towards an unknown bunch of boys who started scanning my body.

"Have these guys got freaking X-rays in themselves?" I whispered to Neon that made her giggle and sit on the table with my hamd still in hers.

"Hi, beautiful. Dan here." A boy of my age patted my bum and said in a raspy voice. I turned to look at him and was stunned at his boiling face. Damn, he was hot. I stared at him while taking in all his minute features like brown eyes, soft skin and puffy hair.

"Urrmmmm, someone's lost, i suppose." Another boy who was a year senior to me commented from the other side of the table. He was cute with green button eyes, blonde hair with soft curls and good lips but not as cute as Dan!

No, i thought as Shawn, Genn and Blake introduced themselves. The whole time it went on i couldn't stop looking at Dan and think about his cuteness that was overflowing!

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