He Kissed Me And I Felt Love

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"At 7, baby" I hang up the call with Dan and decide to hunch some new outfits. I decide not to call mum as she's out on a business conference and tiptoe downstairs. I get involved with the sparkling wine coloured houses and the warm weather. I check on my baby in the garage and settle on the drivers seat for a drive.

The afternoon makes me feel lethargic as I drive in silence with just the roar of the engine audible.
I stop in front of a fancy store and pull my bag on my lap as I open the door to look at the well dressed mannequins.
"Hmm..nice" I lick my lips and push the heavy door.
"How may I help you, honey?" A grandpa like man politely asks me and I show a hint of generosity by offering him a small smile.

"Date dresses please" He points to the last rack in the third section and I mumble a thanks. I rummage through a few cosy dresses and a Marie Clare dress makes me stop. I pull the hanger out and examine the breast cut area, sequinned with white studs and a pretty pink bow at the side. I lock the trial room and put on the dress. I smile as it kisses my sides and admires my chest by sticking to my breast. The white studs glow on my skin and I ready myself to pay for it.

"Two thousand dollars please"

"Yeah" I hand the man the proper amount and step out of the store to feel my baby. I turn the ignition on and a smirk finds it's way on my face as Fifth Harmony tells me about not being a Suga Mama.

I can't be your suga mama, your suga mama baby. I can't be your suga mama.. I can't be your suga mama...

I pull in the driveway and park my baby. I heave a sigh and unlock the door. Without blinking away any time, I run upstairs and feel satisfied as the clock shows 5pm. I unzip my jeans and throw my top in the air as I sleep in my western lingerie on the smooth sheets.

I wrap the towel around my form and kiss the dress as it slowly unfolds itself. I curl my hair so it bounces on my lower waist and apply dark mascara. I choose princess pink gloss and a maroon lipstick that will sugar coat my lips and brush a Lakmè liner on my eyelids. Tiny sparkles make me jump in joy as I sprinkle them on my cheekbones and feel elegant as hell. I gently unzip the back of the dress and slip into it. I slide it upwards till it's suiting my every curve and zip it up.

I turn around and tie the bow that sits on my left side. The pink doll dress makes me happy as I smile at my image in the mirror. I take out my phone and click a mirror selfie in such a way that it camouflages my face and the side of my head is visible. The strands of my freshly curled hair fall on my chest and I smirk as the studs shine bright through the brown lines.

"Done" I send the picture to Neon and rush downstairs, not waiting for her reply.
Dan has not told me as to where he's taking me instead told me to be ready by 7pm. The light pink strap is on the right side and my left shoulder is left open. I straighten the strap and outfold the corner of my dress. It stops near my mid thighs and I put on white boots that cover up my knees with a little part exposed to eyes.

"Out baby!" I hear Dan scream and I run to get the door. It flies open and I run to hug him.
"You look gorgeous than ever" He says in the hug and I chuckle. I take in his chocolate cologne and my fingers slip to his silk shirt and tight codry denims. His hair falls on my eyes as he kisses my cheek and opens the car door for me to hop in.

"Where are we going?"

"Surprise and I love your breast" He smirks and I choke back a blush as I look out of the window. The car drive seems to be fun as Destiny's Child livens us.
I laugh as Dan sings and shakes his hips on the seat.
"Danny!" I exclaim and he continues to do his stupid moves.

We pull in front of a classic restaurant. I accept Dan's hand and we walk to the front door. The restaurant is fine with lanters hanging and a purplish light throughout the grand hall.
"Wanna see my uncle? He runs this restaurant" I chirp a yes and he guides me to the counter.

"Uncle Mark!" Dan spots him and they hug each other. Uncle Mark looks like a gentleman who would come and kiss the back of your hand and he does it by also kissing my forehead.
"Beautiful young lady, how are you?" My cheeks flush and I nod.
"Good" Dan chuckles and asks him to show us a table for four.

"Dan talks a lot about you, Hannah" Uncle Mark says.

"Is it true Dan?"

"Isn't this pudding delicious?" Dan simply says, licking his fingers that are coated with yellow jelly.
We chuckle at his response and move ahead.

"Take your time, kids" He says, seating us in a private room with rose petals and candlelight everywhere. The room is large with bright curtains and a spotless marble floor. I admire the the glass table and leather chairs as I run my fingers through the handsome wine glass.

"Well, why a table for four?"

"You'll know" He says and passes me a glass of wine.
I sip the warm liquid and moan as it hits me inside.
"Save it for night, lady" I stick my tongue out and he smirks.

Seconds later, a couple dashes through the doors.

"Hannah!" I get up from my seat and hug her to infinity. I laugh in excitement as I look at Nathan dressed just like Dan and hug him too.
"Hey man" Dan stands next to me and they do their man thing by hugging and patting each others back. "I never thought, you'd come here" Neon says as she takes her seat next to me and Nathan on Dan's.

"We set it up" Nathan says gesturing to Dan and they punch each other's fists slightly as to nailed it. Whereas, on the other hand Neon and I roll our eyes.
"The day I messaged you was the day I asked Neon out" Nathan says matter of factly and I smile as Neon shyly straightens her long black floral dress.
"Awww" Dan and I coo and they blush.

We flip through the menu and I sequel as the menu shouts Calamari.

"It was fabulous" I say and the others nod in agreement. "Should come out like this more often" Dan continues.
"Now that we're a couple" Nathan leans forward to kiss Neon and she caresses his neck.

"Which flavour will you go for?" Dan says shielding my eyes from seeing the couple smooching.
"Pineapple" I chuckle and kiss his nose.
He clears his throat and the fresh couple pulls away.
Neon smiles at me and I wiggle my eyesbrows making her go red. We step in the ice cream parlour and choose the flavours that we fancy.

After licking the cream clean and shoving the left over on each other's face, I force to pay for it even though Nathan protests from the top of his lungs.
"You're still annoying" He whispers in my ear and I lick his cheek.
"You too" I laugh and run to Dan who's busy playing bus stimulator on his phone.

"We're going to make out so babes, bye!" Nathan swings his hand around Neon's should and we watch as they sit in his Wagon and drive off.
"Even we should" Dan kisses my bare shoulder and I smirk.

We settle in his car and I leave a sigh as the comforting seats let me sink in them. We chat about the dinner and he pulls near my house.
"Goodnight" I send him a flying kiss and I chuckle as he kisses it in the air by pouting his full pink lips.

"Night" He whispers and holds my wrist as I open the door. He places my hand on his thigh and leans forward to kiss me. The kiss feels gentle as he licks my lips and pulls away.

"Take care" He sheepishly says and I smile.

Too lazy for A/N

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