You Belong To Me, Not Him. | Chapter Two.

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☆ "W-What?" Osana was speechless, not knowing of this information. She felt guilty for asking and Budo looks over to Saki. Saki already had tears streaming down her face, and places her hands to cover her face. Osana comes up to her, and the two hug Saki from each side. Muffle cries came from Saki as she wasn't really over her best friends death.

☆ "What happened?" Osana questions and Saki wipes her nose.

☆ "S-She was talking a-about her dad about h-him always crying a-about somethin'.. A-Ayano was the l-last one to s-see he-her. She c-claims K-Kokona-san jumped o-off the roof. I-I came to c-check K-Kokona-san.. t-to see her b-body on t-the ground.." Saki burst into tears after explaining, Budo looking over to the couple to see them enjoying there meals. He glares at Taro, as Saki tries to calm down. Osana biting her lip and awkwardly rubbing her back gently.

Chapter Two

A Win-Win

☆ "Saki-chan cheer up... She wouldn't want you to be all sad now does she.." Osana lets out, trying her best to be gentle.

☆ "I-I guess not..." Saki mutters leaving Osana to bang her fist to the table.

☆ "Then cheer up!" Osana orders harshly, Saki flinches but nods constantly, wiping her eyes. Osana notices Budo looking at the two before punching his arm, catching his attention. Budo looks at Osana once more. She makes a gesture to Saki while Budo nods.

☆ "Yeah. Um... Kokona-chan is still here with us. In our hearts." He assures pointing at Saki's chest, and Saki felt slightly better.

☆ "Here let me take you to the bathroom..." Osana suggest, helping Saki out of the table before the two start to walk away. Budo takes a glance at the couple once more, growling a bit. He crosses his arms, thinking he should probably go with his friends.

☆ So he did, and walking through the hallways trying to find on where they went. Budo frowns before hearing a giggle behind him.

☆ "Hard ain't it.. seeing your crush with another man." He hears a voice, turning to see Yui leaning against a wall. Budo rolls his eyes

☆ "I wonder how you're taking it."

☆ "Go away Yui-chan, don't you have that one friend to bother.." Budo mutters and Yui stands in the middle of the hallway, fixing her hair slightly.

☆ "Come on now Budo-kun! I can help you win her heart, even if she's in a relationship..." She offers, catching Budo's full attention, taking a step closer to the red head. Yui checks her phone before showing Budo a picture of Ayano.

☆ "You see.. in order to win Ayano stupid little heart. And for Osana to win Taro heart." Yui starts shutting her phone.

☆ "You guys have to get close to them. How? That's where we come in..." Yui explains, Budo raises his eyebrow.

☆ "Who's 'we'?" Budo questions and Yui crosses her arms.

☆ "You'll meet her, if you agree." Yui smirks seeing Budo waiting for her to continue. She raises her arms up slightly.

☆ "But hey, this comes with a price man.." Yui giggles.

☆ "Okay, how much?" Budo shoves his hand in his pockets.

☆ "I want you for you to give us about fifty dollars." Yui lets out checking her nails, leaving Budo to extend one of his hands towards her.

☆ "Oka---"

☆ "Each." Yui adds in last minute, leaving Budo to pull his hand away from her. In disbelief as he rolls his eyes.

☆ "Hundred dollars? Just for that? How about now.." Budo mumbles turning back before continuing to walk. Yui places her hand against his shoulder, stopping him before going up to his ear.

☆ "You want Ayano right? Well pay up..."


☆ "So if we pay fifty each, we can possibly have a win and win life.." Budo explains to Osana, Osana thinks for a moment before nodding her head. She smirks a bit.

☆ "I'm cool with that..." She answers and Budo raises his eyebrows in surprise.

☆ "Really?" He lets out in disbelief.

☆ "What else do we have.. we ask them for advice. They gives us the advice. We use it. Done. Win." Osana lets out, fixing her hair as well, and Budo looks at her. He stops at his tracks leaving the girl to stop as well.

☆ "Are you seriously thinking on trusting Yui?! And the mystery girl that Yui claims is 'good'?!" Budo yells out and Osana shrugs slightly, continuing to walk off.

☆ "Maybe..."

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now