You Belong To Me, Not Him | Chapter Nineteen

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"One more for the win.." Info-chan stabs Budo's back before dragging it vertically and Ayano stood in shock on what was going on.

"Why?! W-Why would you do this?!" Ayano yells at Info-chan, leaning down to Budo. I fichan pulls it out and throws it to the side, Info-chan tilts her head, giggling darkly.

"Do you really think, that I'm the nicest person in the world. I just wanted to make some quick cash.." Info-chan sits down on the floor, seeing Ayano tears flow down her face.

"Plus, it's kinda you're fault, you could of stayed with Taro-kun.. and not fall for this Martial Artist." Info-chan lifts Ayano's chin with her finger.

"Even if you have anything to frame me for, you can't make me guilty. This is payback on what you're mother did to my father." Info-chan forcefully makes Ayano turn the other way, and walks out the scenery. Ayano looks at Budo, the wound was sketched and he was losing blood. Ayano gets her phone before dialing the number.

"Hi! I-I need you to send somebody in here! M-My.." Ayano pauses looking at Budo.

"M-My boyfriend is badly w-wounded and I-I-I don't know what t-to do!" Ayano cries silently before answering questions from the operator and fails a different number.

"O-Osana-Chan!" Ayano yells out as Osana widen her eyes.


"Meet me in the hospital! Budo-senpai hurt!" She ends the call as the ambulance was heard from the distance.

"Y-You're gonna be a-alright.." Ayano vodka onto Budo's hand.


"He's gonna be fine.." Osana comforts Ayano, who kept trying to stay calm.

"Doctor how is he?!" Ayano ask and Osana stands up next to her, the doctor sighs

"We had a few problems with the infirmary. A red headed intensionally started to make mistakes in Masuta's surgery. We kicked her out but luckily, the mistakes didn't kill him. Now, do you want me to tell you the news you want to hear, or the bad news.." The doctor ask, Ayano didn't want to know the bad news, she's already broken.

"The news I want to hear!" Ayano whimpers

"He's in stable condition. You can meet him Ayano, but be gentle." The doctor opens the door as Ayano walks in nervously. Osana looks at the doctor.

"What's the bad news.." Osana ask as the doctor tells her what's really going on. Osana starts to tear up, sitting back down as the doctor walks off leaving Osana to cry.

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now