You Belong To Me, Not Him. | Chapter Three.

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☆ "Taro-senpai, when can we go to the bakery shop?" Ayano questions noticing Taro looking at another girl, her eyes dim down before snapping her fingers in front of his face. Taro snaps out of it leaving Ayano's eyes to brighten up once again.

☆ "I was thinking today, after school." Ayano leans towards Taro's face, leaving him to frown slightly.

☆ "Why don't you go?" Taro questions and Ayano seemed a bit offended.

☆ "I can't! Well not without you.." Ayano replies, as she was dependent of Taro, he just lets out a sigh.

☆ "Maybe next week.." Taro pecks her lips but Ayano frowns.

☆ "That's what you said last time." Ayano mumbles and then the bell rings, Taro pecks Ayano's lips once more before embracing her in a hug.

☆ "I have to go." He says before running off, while Ayano checks the time to see they had at least ten minutes. She sighs feeling lonely already, since Taro was always by her side.

☆ "But.. you were suppose to walk me.." Ayano mumbles to herself, looking around as she didn't like being alone. Not anymore.

Chapter Three

Small Little Peck

☆ Ayano turns around and there saw Budo walking to his classroom. She bites her lip softly before walking up to him, fixing her hair slightly.

☆ "Hey Budo-kun!" She calls out catching his attention, giving a smile to him while Budo blushes a bit. He looks around to see if Taro was around, he was surprised that he wasn't.

☆ "What is it?" Budo questions while Ayano sighs a bit, feeling embarrassed.

☆ "Listen.. Taro-senpai, he usually takes me to my classes, but since he isn't here, I was wondering if you can take me there. I know stupid right, me asking something so silly. Would you company me?" She asks and Budo simply nods with a smile on his face.

☆ "Sure why not..." They start to walk up through the hallway, keeping it quiet as the two didn't know what to say to one another. Budo wanted to break the silence.

☆ "So um... why did Taro-kun leave?" Budo questions, and Ayano shrugs in response.

☆ "Don't know... I just assume he needed to head somewhere else before going to his class. He is a busy man after all." She explains looking down at her feet, Budo looks to the side, scoffing slightly.

"So much for being a gentlemen..."

☆ "So I came to you. Since I noticed you being Taro-senpai's friend in the past, and since you have a pretty decent reputation. You were the second one I thought of." Ayano finishes, Budo blushes at the comment before looking at her. She looks up at him, as the two came to a stop in front of Ayano's class.

☆ "Thanks again for the silly request." Ayano giggles and Budo nods.

☆ "No problem Ayano-chan, I'll do anything for you..." Budo lets out softly, and Ayano smiles before pecking Budo's cheek. Budo blushes and sees Ayano grabbing onto his arm.

☆ "See you later." She lets go of his arm before walking inside the classroom, Budo stood frozen. His blush growing each second, shaking his head before walking towards his class. Walking pass the familiar red head, who poked his shoulder before walking off. Budo stood at his tracks, looking back to see Yui gone. He looks to the side before looking back at Ayano's classroom.

☆ "Maybe...I should..."


☆ The bell rings, Ayano gets up from her seat and walks out her classroom. There she sees Taro waiting for you, making a bright smile appear on her face. That's when she notices a frown in his, and she quickly runs up to him.

☆ "What's wrong?" Ayano ask checking if he had any injuries but Taro shoves her hands away.

☆ "What... was that?!" Taro yells, Ayano froze at his tone, haven't been yelled at for such a long time. Confusion fills her mind while student's, around them, attention was focused on them.

☆ "W-What was what?" Ayano questions hesitantly, and Taro takes a step forward.

☆ "You... you kissed Budo!" Taro claims and Ayano widen her eyes, raising her hands up in defense.

☆ "It's not like that sweetie. I only pecked his cheek, no harm done."Ayano informs, becoming afraid, but Taro just rubs his temple in frustration.

☆ "Why?!" Taro demands and Ayano hands turn to a fist.

☆ "Ayano, don't you ignore me." Taro warns and Ayano looks at him.

☆ "Because he was nice enough to give me company, and not run off with no word whatsoever!"

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now