You Belong To Me,Not Him|Chapter Nine

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"Would I ever lie to you?"

""The girl giggles pecking Taro's nose as he chuckles caressing her face

"Your so beautiful.."He whispers out leaving the girl to blush

"Shut up now.."The girl kisses Taro leaving him in shock before he went along with it.There walking by was Budo and Osana,still 'arguing' about who would make the best bridesmaid.Osana giggles poking fun at Budo who was at the edge on getting annoyed with her.Thats until she notices something in front of her

"Budo-kun...look.."Osana whispers out,Budo turns around seeing Taro and Victim-chan together.Osana gives a dirty look,before Budo turns towards her

"Wait..Ayano-chan!"Budo mumbles before running off,Osana stood there crossing her arms before smirking slightly'He really is a Baka..'Osana thought taking out her phone,to snap a few pics of Tari and Victim-chan..'Saving these later..'Osana giggles walking away from the scene


There sat Ayano waiting patiently for her boyfriend,looking up at the sky before taking a deep sigh.Hearing a branch snap,she immediately turns around with a smile

"TAR--"She stops at her tracks seeing Budo walking up to her,he waves causing Ayano to frown slightly

"Budo-kun?W-What are you doing here..."Ayano ask,Budo shrugs trying to stay calm.He sits next to her,with a slight smile causing Ayano to smile too

"Don't know really...I..I just found you,and you seem like you needed company.."Budo slightly lies,seeming the reason he came here was to expose Taro

"Oh,well thank you but...I'm fine,I'm on a date with Taro-senpai"Ayano informs,Budo bites his bottom lip looking around

"Where is Taro-kun anyways?"Budo ask looking back at her,Ayano froze for a bit looking down at her hands

"U-Uh...I-I don't know.."-Ayano looks back up-"But he told me to stay,and I respect his word"Ayano nods,Budo looks at her with a concern look'Is she being serious?'Budo thought before shaking his head'Just stall Budo...'

"So how did you know,started dating?"Budo ask,Ayano looks back at the necklace she was wearing

"Well,the last Friday came along in April...I was prepared to confess my feelings towards Taro-senpai...So I did,he accepted it like there was no tomorrow.He may seem strict,always telling me to come by his house a certain time.Always staying put at other times,and...he seems to always have another scent on him but he told me never to question it.Even though I did,but I feel like he's lying..."Ayano explains,Budo nods slightly

"But why didn't you at least confess at the first week of April?"Budo ask causing Ayano to widen her eyes

"I-I..."Ayano hesitates a bit

"It's complicated..."Ayano looks away causing Budo to be even more concerned for her

"Don't worry...I've been through complications..."

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now