You Belong To Me,Not Him|Chapter Five

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"Plan A didn't go as plan..."Yui mumbles crossing her arms,Budo and Osana waiting for an order of some sort.Info-chan turning towards her computer,typing in her password only to click on a folder holding in written messages.Turning to her computer which showed each security camera in position.

"Okay already got your order.Bakery,cake,done.As for you Osana-chan...did you find out the girl Taro-kun has lately been talking too?"Info-chan ask Osana,who nods crossing her arms

"Don't know what her name is though...To be hones"Osana explains while the red head nods typing on her computer

"Do you know how she looks like?"She ask

"Yellow green-ish hair,eyes the same color as her hair.A pair of pigtails,and um..she had a flower on her hair so probably in a gardening club..."Osana explains,Info-chan typing in the information as a generator of students starts to show up.Looking around to find the girl,before raising her eyebrow

"That's strange..she isn't showing up"Info-chan informs

"That's impossible,you have track to every student"Yui lets out looking over her shoulder,before biting nails slightly

"Check the first generation..."Yui suggests,Info-chan rolls her eyes

"That wouldn't help..because if she pops there,she wouldn't even be a student at all but an adult."Info-chan explains while the three girls sigh

"Maybe give her a nickname..."Budo suggests,the three looking at the boy who shoved his hands in his pocket

"In order to remember her.."Budo adds in,Osana looking at Info-chan for approval.She nods crossing her legs fixing her glasses

"But what?"

"Well she is the victim,I bet she doesn't even know Ayano-chan is actually Taro-kun boyfriend..."

"Victim..."Osana repeats quietly,before snapping her fingers giving a bright smile

"What about Victim-chan!"


"She is the victim,just like you said Budo-kun..."Osana suggest while Yui shrugs

"Could work..."Yui mumbles while Info-chan nods

"Okay that out the way.Now..let's begin."



Ayano knocking on the door of Taro's home,a bright smile on her face waiting for a response.The door opens revealing Aiko who had a tired expression on her face,once seeing Ayano she widen her eyes

"Wh-What are you doing here?Onii-chan told me you'll come by at 8!"Aiko says worriedly,Ayano smiles seeming it was 6,she was two hours early

"Oh,I couldn't wait to see Taro-kun so I wanted to surprise him!"Ayano says cupping her cheeks with a blush on her face.Aiko nervously laughs clearing her throat

"Listen...Onii-chan isn't he---"

"That's silly!My visions highlights him to be in his room"Ayano giggles,Aiko nods

"That's right..I forgot you had that.."


The sound echo across the home,Ayano raising an eyebrow looking at Aiko who froze in place smirking slightly

"What's going on?"Ayano tries to go in but Aiko stops her

"Ayano-chan!U-Uhm...Onii-chan is busy!"

"Busy with what?"


"At this time?"


"Then I'll help him before we g---"

"You can't!"


"Personal business!"Aiko slams the door on Ayano who jumps slightly,lowering her eyebrows giving an upset look.

"I guess I'll wait.."

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now