You Belong To Me,Not Him|Chapter Ten

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Ayano lets a small giggle,closing her eyes as Budo waited eagerly."I...I'm not what you see"Ayano tries to sound confident but she was failing due to Budo getting even more curious

"Then..what are you?"Budo ask,Ayano opens her eyes to look at him

"You won't snitch right..."Ayano leans closer to him,giving him a serious look.Budo makes a hand motion of him zipping his mouth,Ayano nods leaning back

" know Kokona right.."Ayano voice was starting to fill with guilty,Budo sighs at the memory

"Yeah.."Budo mutters as Ayano hesitates a bit

"S-She...She didn't commit suicide"Ayano said,Budo gives a confused look

"I-I..I ch-choked her to death...With a rope on my house.D-Dragged her to her home..Only to h-hang her on her bathroom.."Ayano covers her face,filled with guilt.Budo mouth was gaped open,Ayano stands up turning away from him

"What else did you do?"Budo ask

"Taro-senpai is taking long..I-I gotta go"Budo grabs onto Ayano's arm pulling her back down.He looks down,before looking back at her.Ayano eyes were becoming watery each second.He wipes her tears before holding on to her hands

"Come on Ayano..what else did you do?Letting out your confession would help with the pressure."Budo adds on,Ayano nods pulling her hands away

"A-Alright..."She chokes out before closing her eyes

"Oka,disposed.Aiko,spared.Noriko,choked her.Rival-chan,killed.Osana,spared.Kokimu,was hard but killed.Sandra,kidnapped.Kathy,spared.Lizzie,beat her with a frying pan.Miki,drowned...."Ayano goes on stopping,Budo scoots a bit closer

"Your missing one more.."

"Kimiko..."Budo pats her back causing Ayano to wince slightly.

"What's wrong?"Budo ask causing Ayano to sigh giving in

"You know Kimiko,the delinquent leader"Ayano said causing Budo to nod in response

"And that fight between Kimiko and the girl.."


"That girl was me.."

"You were the one who beaten Kimiko,she's the strongest student out here"

"I beat her,by the help of you.."Ayano faintly giggles slightly,Budo froze in place looking down


"Without you..I would of been killed by her"Ayano sighs,lifting his chin up before blushing slightly

"So I like to thank you...for everything you've done for me."Ayano thanks holding on to Budo's hands.

"Why...would you do this?"Budo ask slowly,Ayano sighs

"I did it.."

"because...of Taro.."

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now