You Belong To Me,Not Him|Chapter Twelve

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"But are you the only one,he's gotten?"

The question repeated onto Ayano head,over and over again.She stood still,not kneeling what to respond to such question.Was she actually the only one for Taro?


But would Ayano believe such an answer

"Of...O-Of course I'm the only one!What makes you say something like that!"Ayano yells out pushing Budo,backing away from him.Budo opens his mouth,immediately knowing what to say

'Taro is a f*ckboy Ayano!Open your eyes!' he said this

"I-It's just a thought"

Budo instead said,hating the fact that even though that was his only chance.Plus he didn't want to come out all rude.He didn't want to make Ayano all heartbroken,but what he wanted to do..was to show her instead

"Well...get your head straight!Taro-senpai is the only one that I got,and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one he's got!"Ayano crosses her arms,Budo couldn't take it.He hated how,Ayano is over obsessive with Taro,would try her hardest to defend him as much as possible.

"Right.."Budo mutters under his breath,Ayano looks away from him.The awkward silence over comes the atmosphere,both silently looking at the ground not making eye contact

"Ayano-chan...what..what was the nicest thing Taro-kun ever did?I mean..he seems like he's such a big deal in your eyes"Budo tries to make a conversation,Ayano looks at him slightly blushing

"He takes me to the movies,fairs,dates all the things a girl can dream of..."Budo nods slowly about to stand up

"Until it started to change..."Ayano hugs her slightly,Budo looks back at her confused

"What do you mean?"

"Well...a month before you came along once again.He seemed to be ignoring me,rejecting everything that we've planned.It was awful,that's why I was excited once he asked me for a date.Seeming it was a long time since he ever asked me to one...Now..this date just feels like any normal day with him"Ayano looks at Budo

"But everyone in school,they see you as King and Queen"Budo informs as Ayano giggles

"Because we want to be seen like that,my mother always said...that pretending to be someone,can lead to not getting caught in the act."Ayano smiles as Budo shakes his head

"But you don't need to pretend to be someone Ayano-chan..your perfect.If Taro is ignoring,like I said earlier,just leave the guy..."Budo lifts Ayano chin,she puffs her cheeks out

"But..why should I leave him,I can handle a bit of rejection.."Ayano moves his hands away

"A little?Ayano-chan...I have an idea"Budo gives off a serious look,not caring anymore.Ayano raises her eyebrow"What is it?"

"Let's check on your boyfriend,shall we?"

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now