You Belong To Me,Not Him|Chapter Eleven

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"Why...would you do this?"Budo ask slowly,Ayano sighs

"I did it..because...of Taro.."Budo froze in place for a split second,Ayano forms a bright smile cupping her face,instantly changing her mood by the second

"With no competition,I have him all for myself!"Ayano giggles blushing at the fact,Budo gives her a confused look at her sudden change

"He's perfect!"Ayano fangirls slightly causing Budo to get annoyed slightly,scoffing at the girl

"You..did all that.For a wimp?!"Budo yells out,Ayano stops to only look at him

"Wimp?Taro-Senpai isn't a wimp!"Ayano crosses her arms

"Have you seen him fight?No!You haven't because he never went hand to hand with someone before!"Budo yell out leaving Ayano to glare at him,rolling her eyes

"Well if he did..."Ayano slowly stops at her tracks,realizing something as Budo smirks slightly knowing what she was thinking off

"Remember when you killed Noriko..under the mask"Budo reminds as Ayano stood frozen

"You knew it was me!?"Ayano yells out pushing Budo,who chuckles

"There's no other girls with black hair other than Noriko herself.."Budo chuckles seeing ayano's stare,causing him to clear his throat

"He witnessed you,but what did he do.."Budo ask crossing his arms,Ayano looks down at him

"He ran away"Ayano sighs feeling Budo rub her shoulder slightly

"Ayano-chan I have one question for you"-Ayano looks up to Budo-"...Does he even know did this.For him!?"Budo ask loudly,Ayano shakes her head closing her eyes once more

"N-No..."Ayano responds shakily,Budo raises his eyebrow

"Why haven't you told him?"Budo ask,Ayano covers her face.Mumbling the answer but he couldn't quite catch that.

"Wh--?"I AM SCARED TO TELL HIM!H-HE'S GONNA THINK I'M A FREAK!"Ayano covers her face once more,leaving Budo to give a serious look

"Ayano-chan...leave him."Budo orders leaving Ayano to look back at him


"You heard me,leave the jerk!If he doesn't accept you for you.Then just leave him!"Budo tells Ayano while caressing her cheek softly.Ayano shakes her head in response


"Ayano-chan I swear to god..."

"No Budo-kun!You may of helped me from my earlier years but...H-He's the only one I've got!"Ayano yells out,Budo lets out a long sigh before rubbing his forehead

"But are you the only one,he's gotten?"

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now