You Belong To Me, Not Him | Finale

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"H-Hello?" Ayano closes the door, there Budo was looking out the window and laying down on the hospital bed. Ayano slowly walks up to him.

"Budo-kun?" Ayano calls out, tears forming on her eyes as she stands where he was staring off too. She makes eye contact but Budo didn't realize it as Ayano kneels down his eye view. Ayano holds his hand leaving Budo to smile slightly.

"Ayano-Chan? I-Is that you?" Budo calls out.

"Yeah.." Ayano whispers out holding his hand gently.

"What happened?" Budo whispers back leaving Ayano to close her eyes.

"Info-chan, turns out she was using both of us for her own amusement." Ayano explains softly leaving Budo to sigh, hearing the dryness in his voice.

"Ayano-Chan, e-everything's gonna be okay.. I'm gonna get back on my feet s-soon. I-If I can even feel them at a-all." He chuckles before coughing harshly.

"Don't work yourself Budo-kun.." Ayano whimpers feeling his hand tap the side of his bed. Ayano sits on the bed before laying next to him gently. Intertwining their fingers together and Ayano starts to cry. Budo just stood in the same position and Ayano finally realized what had happen to him.

"I-I never want t-to let go.." Budo chokes out and Ayano already letting out tear seeing his breathing slowing down.

"B-Budo..." Ayano whispers holding his hand tighter and closer to her.

"I-I don't think I'm gonna m-make it, aren't I?" Budo reaches outwards but Ayano lowers his hand.

"Y-You are.. I-I promise you, after all t-this is over. Y-You'll be waiting by the priest w-while I'll be walking towards you. W-We'll be together, once a-again.." Ayano chokes out and leans her forehead to the side of his head. He wasn't responding.

"B-Budo, how many fingers do I h-have?" Ayano raises her hand with four fingers, trying to change the subject, but Budo starts to tear up.

"I'm afraid I-I can't answer that.." Budo just closes his eyes and Ayano just cuddles closer to him

"B-Budo please.. P-Please Budo.." Ayano closes her eyes tightly leaving Budo to let out one last sigh.

"E-Everything happens for a reason, A-Ayano.. Love you.." Budo mutters before Ayano checks his pulse but it was a flat line.

"I-I love you too, B-Budo.." Ayano whispers back, kissing his cheek softly before resting on his shoulder. Crying on his shoulder before pressing on the red button. Hoping they can do something about it, instead she ended up receiving the doctor and nurse dragging her out forcefully.


There Ayano was sitting on the sand, writing on a book of hers, looking out the waves occasionally. A figure walks up to her and sits next to the poor girl.

"Ayano-Chan?" The voice calls out and Ayano looks up to reveal the oranges hair girl. Ayano it's the notebook inside her bag as the girl looks at her.

"Are you okay?" Osana ask and Ayano nods slowly.

"He really loved you." Osana reminds, Ayano nods once more before slowly looking at her.

"I'm sorry." Ayano apologizes and Osana tilts her head in confusion. Ayano looks back at the sand, hugging her knees close to her chest.

"For taking Taro-kun from you." Ayano adds in, Osana stays silent before shaking her head.

"It's alright, I knew you loved him more when you sounded determined when you talked to me about it." Osana comforts Ayano's shoulder, and Ayano closes her eyes.

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now