You Belong To Me, Not Him | Alternative Ending [Not Official]

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Before we begin I like to say, this is just an alternative ending. This ending isn't official but I felt like I should at least write it to make you guys see how so originally planned on ending the book. If this seems rushed, I'm sorry but I'm trying to fit about five chapters into a short one chapter. So hope you enjoy it(?)!

**During Chapter Fifteen**

   Budo and Ayano, walking around the park, feeling the soft wind going against their face. It was silent. No one said a thing. Budo clears his ghost to catch Ayano's attention. He opens his mouth but nothing came out and Ayano turns away.

   "A-Ayano-chan.. um.." He spoke up, Ayano looks back up at him.

   "You haven't been talking lately.." Budo informs while Ayano shrugs

   "Not really in a talking mood.." She glances at him while he blushed slightly.

   "O-Oh... that's good I guess.." Budo looks away.

   "'that's good I guess'?!" He yells in his mind before looking back at Ayano who was looking out the play ground.

   "Perfect time, just ask her..."

   "I-I've been meaning t-to ask you.." He stutters.

   Ayano nods. "W-Would you like t-to.. g-go on a da-date.." Budo mumbles, Ayano stood walking and this made him worried. She kept looking at him, before looking up.

   "R-Really?" Ayano smiles slightly leaving him to nod. Ayano giggles at the Martial Artist before hugging him tightly.

   "I-I never thought you'll ever ask that." Ayano smiles and Budo caress her cheek. Before Budo backs away and jumps in joy.

   "Yes!" Budo celebrates leaving Ayano to giggle as a stranger walks by.

   "THIS IS MY GIRL!" Budo hugs the stranger before hugging Ayano tightly. Ayano blushes at the sudden change of mood. Once he calmed down, Budo looks directly at Ayano. Ayano looks at Budo slowly before the two share a passionate kiss. [Yes, they actually kiss..]

- Fast Forward: Two Weeks Later -

   It's been at least two weeks since they started dating, Ayano becoming more and more stable. Budo acting like he was the luckiest man in the world, but not everything was in shape.

   "Knock knock." A voice was heard and Ayano opens the door to reveal Budo with a rose.

   "Good day my good lady." Budo bows down leaving Ayano to giggle.

   "Budo-kun!" Ayano slightly whines before kissing the boy quickly, he chuckles spinning her around the living room.

   "Sorry to come in such short notice, but I've been meaning to tell you something." Budo slightly smiles but Ayano pats his chest.

   "Hold on! Can you give me ten minutes because I'm gonna give you something." Ayano pokes his nose and Budo raises his eyebrow.

   "A surprise?" Budo ask.

   "Yeah yeah! Now go! I'll call you once I'm done." Ayano giggles and Budo obeys the girl. Ayano gets the cake out of the oven before getting the frosting. That's when the door bell ring.

   "Coming!" Ayano rushes to the door revealing Info-chan.

   "Info-chan! Nice to see you, come on in." Ayano leads Info-chan inside and the red head sighs.

   "Ayano there's something I've been meaning to tell you. Budo and I, might of been as honest." Info-chan smiles nervously and Ayano tilts her head. Grabbing the frosting.

   "What do you mean?"

   "Well.. Budo-kun and I made a deal!" Info-chan blurts out and Ayano froze for a moment.

   "For what..."

   "To.. to win your heart." Info-chan mutters. Ayano throws the frosting to the ground before stomping up to her.

   "BUDO!" Ayano yells out and Budo rushes in, before widening his eyes at the sight of Ayano angry and Info-chan worried.

   "She told you.." Budo mutters and Ayano starts to tear up.

   "You used me! To win my heart?!" Ayano yells out.

   "I did it to protect you! Taro-kun was a bad man and you know it!" Budo started to feel guilty.

   "Get out. Both of you!" Ayano grabs her knife and the two do so. Budo looking at Ayano but Ayano shuts the door on his face.

- Fast Forward: Next Day -

Ayano was sitting on a park bench, closing her eyes and feeling the wind blow against her neck. She sighs deeply and heard a snap. Ayano looks to the side to see Budo, she looks away but Budo sits next to her.

"You probably hate me. I understand. I just wanted to say, that I did it to protect you. I knew the damage Taro-kun was doing to you. Plus I loved you ever since I laid eyes on you. I had too. Info-chan and Yui-Chan just, sounded like they knew everything about you. So I took advantage to make you fall for me. Might sound selfish but.. I wanted to show you, that I was different from him. Form anyone else." Budo explains and Ayano looks away. Budo bites his lip before sighing.

"My dearest friend, if you don't mind. I'd like to join you by your side" Budo began making Ayano face him.

"Where we could gaze into the stars.." Budo blushes and Ayano leans towards him.

"And sit together now and forever.." Budo and Ayano continues the small tune.

"For it is plain as anyone could see. We're simply meant to be." Ayano and Budo finishes before ending off with a kiss. Budo smiles before pulling away and Ayano shoves him.

"You tricked me!" Ayano mutters and Budo laughs.

"But seriously. Sorry." Budo apologizes and Ayano looks at him with a smug look.

"I believe you." Ayano teases leaving Budo to groan.

- Fast Forward: *insert how long you have to date in order to get married* Years -

"I do.." Ayano finishes and Budo smiles widely as the priest pounds the floor with his stick.

"May we have the rings?" He ask and Osana does so, smiling at the two. Budo and Ayano ran one before turning to each other. Budo slipping it on Ayano's finger as she does the same to him.

"You may n---" Budo and Ayano cut the priest off by kissing one another instantly. The priest chuckles before walking off. Everyone clapping, Info-chan and Yui clapping. Taro and Hanako outside the church, regretting each of their mistakes. Ayano and Budo pull apart, as Budo caresses her cheek.

   "See I told you, you belong with me, not him." They share another passionate kiss before running down the aisle.

The End I Guess!

Not the best... it would of made sense if I had more room but, I didn't wanted to make this chapter too long.

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now