You Belong To Me, Not Him|Chapter Thirteen

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"U-uh..." "Come on, I know your gonna say yes"Budo extends his hand towards Ayano, she takes it before being drag by him. She tries to keep up with him due to his rush, Ayano looks back to the spot they were at before she comes to a sudden stop. She looks back to Budo who kept looking back at her, he goes up to her as she backs up.

"Why'd you stop?"Budo ask causing Ayano to give him a look "This is where Taro's car is at.."She replies leaving him confuse "He's my boyfriend, what can possibly happen"Ayano pushes Budo out the way before freezing in place. He walks next to her looking at her view to see nothing but a tree. "What?"

"Taro's car isn't here.."Ayano starts to slightly panic, looking around checking every inch of the small area. Budo slowly walking up behind her as she begins to lose a bit of hope. "Where did he go?"Ayano sighs before closing her eyes

"What are you doing?"Budo ask, Ayano opens her eyes once more, her pupils bigger and slightly transparent. He backs away from her, she looks around slowly before closing her eyes shaking her head."Theres Taro-senpai!"Ayano smiles running towards the left leaving Budo to follow behind

"Taro-senpai!"Ayano calls out going trough some trees and branches, before making it to a spot. She looks around seeing him standing with his body facing to his right."TARO!"Ayano yells out before seeing the blonde girl running up to Taro, pulling him into a kiss leaving the blacked hair girl fifteens in place

"Can you slow down..."Budo rubs his eyes before seeing Ayano standing there. "Ayano-chan?"He calls out reaching a hand to her, turning her around to see her eyes close but tears coming down her face. "Ayano-chan, are you ok---"Budo couldn't finish the sentence, Ayano pulls him into a hug as she cries in his shoulders

"W-What happened? What did you see!"Budo ask pulling Ayano away, she sniffs looking back to the direction. Budo looks right besides her to see Taro and Victim-chan chatting with each other. "Ay---?" "TARO!"Ayano yells out causing Budo to widen his eyes

Taro glances over to the voice seeing Ayano and Budo standings there, he glances back at Victim-chan who was taking care of getting the food. He walks up to Ayano with a smile on his face, leaning towards her

"Babe, how are you? I told you to wait now, didn't I?"Taro chuckles taking Ayano's hand but she pushes him away. ""Ayano couldn't make up the words. "You.. C-Cheated on me"Ayano chokes out sounding heartbroken, Taro stood silent before chuckling

"I did not now..." "Cut the act Taro-kun..."Budo steps in front of Ayano as Taro crosses his arms "If it isn't Budo-kun himself... What are you gonna do? You gonna punch me? Is that it?" "I'll be glad too"Budo forms his hands to a fist as Ayano stops him from continuing

"Don't..." "Ayano-chan.. He deserv---" "I said DONT!"Ayano wipes her eyes "I appreciate you helping... I-I really do b-but..."Ayano shakes her head before turning back to Taro"T-Taro..." "I'm still here for you to be mine"Taro extends his hand as she shoves it away

"I'm leaving you Taro and I'm hanging with Budo.."

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now