You Belong To Me, Not Him | Chapter Fifteen

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Budo and Ayano, walking around the park, feeling the soft wind going against their face. It was silent. No one said a thing. Budo clears his ghost to catch Ayano's attention. He opens his mouth but nothing came out and Ayano turns away.

"A-Ayano-chan.. um.." He spoke up, Ayano looks back up at him.

"You haven't been talking lately.." Budo informs while Ayano shrugs

"Not really in a talking mood.." She glances at him while he blushed slightly.

"O-Oh... that's good I guess.." Budo looks away.

"'that's good I guess'?!" He yells in his mind before looking back at Ayano who was looking out the play ground.

"Perfect time, just ask her..."

"I-I've been meaning t-to ask you.." He stutters.

Ayano nods. "W-Would you like t-to.. g-go on a da-date.." Budo mumbles, Ayano stood walking and this made him worried. She kept looking at him, before looking down.

"I'm sorry but.. I'm gonna turn that offer down Budo-kun..."

She declines his offer causing his heart to break slightly.


"I-I'm not looking for a relationship right now.." Budo closes his eyes

"I-I don't want to.. g-go through that again.." She mutters under her breath, Budo sighs deeply.

Budo looks at her. "Ayano-chan..."

"O-Okay. Whenever y-you do, I-I'll be waiting." Budo nods slowly causing Ayano to smile a little.


"I understand.." Budo mumbles before the atmosphere turned silent once again.

"L-Lets go to the bakery.." Budo offers causing Ayano to nod. The two walk to the pathway to the small bakery that was around the corner. They go inside to hear the bell ring, Budo looking over to Ayano who was looking around the menu.

"Want anything?" He ask but Ayano shakes her head. He walks up to the register with Ayano sitting on an empty table feeling guilty somehow.

"One strawberry cakes and one chocolate cake." Budo orders handing in the exact money, getting the two cakes before going up to Ayano. He places the strawberry cake in front of Ayano who seemed surprised. He sits on the seat next to her, seeing her smile.

"H-How did you.." She looks up at him.

"I have my ways.." Budo chuckles.

"T-Taro-kun would never get me this.." Ayano mumbles just enough for Budo not to hear looking away. She looks over at Budo once again to see a fork next to her.

"Here.." Budo smile softly as she shyly ate the cake off the fork before getting a hold of it.

"T-Thanks.." She smiles before sighing deeply.

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now