You Belong To Me, Not Him | Chapter Eighteen

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   Previously On You Belong To Me, Not Him

   "F-For you.. to m-murder Budo-kun!" Ayano orders with a loud yell, Ayano's eyes faded while Info-chan eyes grow darker. She lets out a smirk while Ayano wipes her eyes and gives an angry look.
   "My pleasure."


   Info-chan stands up to grab the knife that Ayano threw earlier, and just in time, Budo rushes in.

"I heard my name! What happened?" Budo looks at Ayano, who slowly stands up before looking down at him. Info-chan giggles darkly and Budo gives out a confused look.

   "Ayano-Chan?" Budo calls out before being slashed on the arm, he widen his eyes at Info-chan before stumbling back.

   "What are you..!?" Budo couldn't move his left arm anymore, and Info-chan rushes up to him. Budo grabs her hand before twisting it and throwing down to the ground.

   "A-Ayano-san, y-you need to call this off. Why are you doing this to me?!" Budo tries to snap Ayano out of it but she looks at him.

   "Because of you, I couldn't be with Taro-senpai anymore!" Ayano yells out and Info-chan tackles him to the ground.

   "T-Taro-kun was only using you A-Ayano-san! I thought you knew that already!" Budo then notice Ayano's eyes, her pupils, looked like they blended in with her eye colar. She was trapped inside, believing that Taro is the victim..

   "No! He loved me! Only me!" Ayano yells out as Budo kicks Info-chan off him.

   "He loves another girl! Are we seriously gonna go through this again! It's been a year and three months Ayano-Chan!" Budo yells back only to make Ayano angrier and Info-chan slices part of his skin on his numb arm

"Listen Ayano-Chan, I tried my hardest to make you happy.. I treated you like how I would treat any girl. With respect, not an object." Budo kicks Info-chan towards the wall before punching her.

"And no matter how much I tried, you always found me as any other selfish guy. You're the only reason why I decided to dedicate my life to you. We started helping girls like you, remember?" Budo reminds reaching Ayano's hand

"I-Is this n-necessary.." Ayano mutters leaving Budo to nod at her slowly

"Yes, we need to show girls and or boys that they are a human and not an object. We'll make a change, together." Budo grabs Ayano's hand as she pulls away slowly.

"O-Okay.." Ayano slightly smirks as Budo looks away, and the girl just nods in approve.

"Ayano-Chan please, would Taro-kun ever do that with you?" Budo mumbles and Ayano eyes turn back to normal.

"B-Budo-senpai..?" Ayano reaches for Budo's hand, he smiles softly at her.

"Yes.." Budo blushes.

"W-What am I-I doing! I-I'm sorry.." Ayano whispers out leaving Budo to sigh in relief

"It's fine, mistakes happen.." Budo goes to hug her only to freeze and Ayano widen her eyes and covers her mouth.

Tears dwelling up her eyes and Budo collapses to the ground.

Behind him was Info-chan smiling.

"The deed is done!" Info-chan giggles as Ayano stood frozen.


   Until Next Time..

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now