You Belong To Me,Not Him|Chapter Seven

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"It all started about 11 years ago..The new girl was coming into town..It was Ayano..."


Budo POV

Students ran around the snowy field,it snowed out seemed it was the winter season.Everyone made there snowman a while I sat there on a tree and picked out the snowflakes.I wasn't really into snowmans at the time,the only thing I cared about the snow itself.Weird or odd but I found it amusing...that's when I heard the lovely high voice

"Um...hello..."I raised my head up and meant eye to eye contact with her,her short hair with a scarf covered her mouth along with a hoodie

"H-Hi..."I responded shyly,that caused her to giggle and plopped herself down next to me

"Am Ayano..I do not have much..fwiends.."Her voice whistled at the 'r',I smiled at her

"B-Budo..."I responded and smiled an ear to ear smile.She laughed,smiled to me and saw her two front teeth missing.Thats when I realized it....most girl would often not talk with there two front teeth missing until they're older she..somehow didn't care for the less.Her smile is what stood out for me,and never left my mind..

"Budo-kun!Fwom now on,you awe my fwiend..And we get mawwied my mommy always said..its twue love!"Ayano giggled and held onto my hands,my eyes widened.I didn't even care that her English wasn't that good,what I cared mostly was her spirit.She seemed a bit too over the top..She probably thought that's how love even worked..But..I didn't care

"O-Okay.."Is all I said,Ayano giggled before we noticed one of my friends came up to us..Taro...But now..he ain't my friend at all..heh

"Taro-kun!T-This is A-Ayano-chan..."I greeted,Ayano waved and showed her smile towards him.

"Hi Ayano-chan!"He greeted and shook her hand,Ayano nodded

"Hi Tawo-kun!You awound hewe?"Ayano tried her best to ask,Taro laughed at this

"Mmhmm"Taro nodded,Ayano looked at me with a pink small tint on her cheeks.

"I wanna okay with Budo-kun instead..He cool as..a dinosauw!"Ayano proceeded to make roars at us,both of us laughed.Taro nodded in respected and walked away,while I glanced at Ayano

"Y-You wanna p-play?"I asked,Ayano nodded and took my hand

"Let us play doctow!I want be the doctow!You be nuwse!"Ayano suggested,I nodded at her as we began to play outside.Occasionally we scared each other but nevertheless,it was that we grew up,I had to move to America for a couple of years...Then came back when I was a freshman.Seeing Ayano brought so many memories,and seeing Taro change into an opposite him..I don't know anymore..And still to this day

Ayano smile is quite beautiful...

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now