You Belong To Me, Not Him | Chapter Sixteen

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   "T-Thanks for trying t-to make me f-feel better." Ayano smiles softly leaving Budo to nod.

   "No problem.." Budo lets out and Ayano walks inside her home leaving him to sigh. Ayano locks the door before feeling her face heat up. She smiles softly before hearing footsteps coming from the front of her.

   "Ayano-chan. What a pleasure to see you." A familiar says and Ayano looks up to see her best friend.

   "Info-chan, what a-are you doing h-here?" Ayano ask with a bright smile and Info-chan shrugs.

   "Nothing much." Info-chan smirks

"Ruining people's lives, usual." Info-chan tilts her head leaving Ayano to nod slowly. Ayano walks up to the fridge opening it to grab a popsicle. Info-chan glances outside to see Budo walking away from a distance.

   "Where were you?" Info-chan ask leaving Ayano to heat up.

   "Bu-Budo-kun was taking m-me to a b-bakery shop." Ayano smiles softly leaving Info-chan to slowly nod.

   "You know Ayano-chan.. I have something to tell you." Info-chan lets out a sigh leaving Ayano to look at her confused

   "What is i-it?" Ayano ask

   "Budo-kun is using you as his toy, just like Taro-kun did to you.."


   "It's true.." Info-chan looks at Ayano who covers her mouth.

   "You're l-lying!" Ayano voice cracks slightly

   "I have proof, like always." Info-chan gets her phone out before pressing the play button.

   "So if we pay 50 each we can possibly have a win and win life.."

   "I don't know Budo-kun.. are you seriously gonna be using Ayano-chan?"



   "You believe me now?" Info-chan ask softly leaving Ayano to freeze in place. She proceeds to try to catch her breath, letting out gasp of air. Closing her eyes tight leaving Info-chan to look at her with weariness. Ayano starts to scream and shake leaving Info-chan to cover her mouth.

   "Have fun.." Info-chan smirks leaving a knife in front of Ayano and walking away. Ayano felt herself unable to breath, feeling herself wanting to throw up but couldn't. All of these events happening to her, are finally hitting her hard. Ayano looks at the knife before grabbing it and seeing her reflection. Holding it tightly wanting to just slice it across her arm. There the knife reflected her old bloody form, as Ayano throws it across the room. Tears streaming down her face as she shakes uncontrollably. Continuing to let out screams and cover her face. The door burst open to reveal Budo, seeing ayano in this state. He immediately runs up to her and hug her tightly. Instead earning a punch across the face from her as she laid there, twitching.

   "No, no, no. Ayano-chan please. N-not again.." Budo dials a number.


   "Hi Info-chan! A-Ayano-chan's having a panic a-attack, and y-you're the only close friend she's got! I-I need you now!" budo stutters out glancing over to Ayano who kept screaming and shaking

   "I'll be there in five minutes."

You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now