You Belong To Me,Not Him|Chapter Four

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"Because he was nice enough to give me company,and not run off!"Ayano yells out pushing Taro out the way,irritated at the moment before she can go downstairs.Feeling a grip on her wrist,while she tries to pull away.At this point everyone had their phones out recording the scenario that is playing right in front of them

"Ayano-sama don't yell at me!"Taro yells back as Ayano rolls her eyes punching Taro's chest

"Let go!"She orders trying to pull away

"Alright.."Taro shrugs letting her go as a female trips Ayano.She almost falls off the stairs only for a pair of arms catching her fall,looking to see Budo glaring at Taro.

"You know...making your girlfriend almost have a head injury isn't a good relationship."Budo says while Taro looks at his little sister,Aiko show as the one who tripped Ayano.Budo sets Ayano down who looked at him with a thankful look,he starts to walk up to Taro who chuckles slightly.

"Listen she yours?No,because she confessed to me..not you"Taro pokes Budo chest as he grits his teeth together,pushing him.While Taro raises an eyebrow pushing him

"You wanna go?"Taro ask as Budo clenches his fist together

"Gladly.."He was about to swing but Ayano stands in front of Budo extending her hands.Budo was obviously confused seeing Ayano defending Taro after what he did

"Don't hurt him please..."

"But he---"

"This is our personal problems..."Ayano adds in,grabbing Taro hand as they start to walk away.Ayano slowly glances at Taro who gives an innocent smile calming Ayano down as she snuggles on his arm

"You told me that would work!"Budo whispers-yells through the earpiece,walking away from the scene.Walking down the hallway,while hearing two groans

"Would you stop complaining!This takes time!"He hears Yui voice over to his left earpiece

"Possibly the next time you see her,invite her to the bakery.Get a strawberry shortcake,her mother used to get her those when she was about three.."Budo heard Info-chan over the right,he nods checking around

"Where's Osana?"He ask

"She's stalking Taro to see who's he's talking about behind Ayano-chan's back.To use it against him..."Info-chan replies,Budo nods at the fact hoping what he's actually getting into is worth it


"Are you okay?He didn't hurt you right?"Ayano ask worriedly,Taro shrugs slightly

"I've seen worse.."He replies causing Ayano to giggle softly

"Cool..."She lets go of his arm hugging him as he hugs the girl back.A girl stood by running towards them with a usual sailor outfit but her hair was in a yellow pigtails,her eyes bright yellow once she notices Taro she blushes

"Taro-senpai..there you a---!"Her words were cut off by her noticing Ayano hugging him

"Hu--?"Ayano words were cut off by Taro patting her head

"Sorry that was Imouto-chan.."He lies glancing at the girl,signaling her that it wasn't a good time,she nods slowly walking away

"See you on our date..."She mumbles quietly,quiet enough for Ayano as she lets go

"What did Aiko need?"Ayano ask as Taro shrugs at the girl



You Belong To Me, Not Him. [MAJOR RE-WRITE]Where stories live. Discover now