Is It Possoble To Fall For Two Guys At Once-Chapter Five

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“That's a simple mistake” I said confused, “I haven’t even told by brother or Abigail yet!

“Fine” she huffed. “I'll let that one slide. Second reason is that you don't want to be at the hospital with your fiancé.”

“It's a lot to take in, Jules, he’s in a coma, unconscious!”

“Less we forget you kissed Taylor three times.” Wiggling her three fingers then taking my phone. “One of which was a make out session and you have him in Ur phone under... ‘Lautie’?”


And it’s not cold in my house but you’re still wearing his jacket.”

I didn't want to deal with her and her reasons so I walked over and plopped myself on her couch, “I don't need this from you right now!”

“ you remember when we agreed that I know those boy’s better than they know themselves?” she walked over and sat beside me.


“Joe is totally in love with you, he would do anything for you, and you're the best thing that has ever happened to him. He told me himself.” I smiled and the fact that Julie dropped the subject actually surprised me... there had to be more. “And Kevin, he loves you a little more than a brother should love his sister, but he is married to Danni, but that's only one reason he never tried to win your heart.”

I knew I, there was more. “What?!” I squealed.

“Nick is infactuated with you. But he has a girlfriend and you have Joe, and the fact that you’re like four years older than him, he feels intimidated, so that's why he never tried to win your heart! I know the brothers better thasn the back of my hand! I know things they have never told anyone. I'm like their diary. TayBear, I read peoples emotions. It's not that hard, and ‘Lautie’, I'm not sure about him, but I can guess!”

“Julianne, I don't know what ur talking about!” I laughed.

“Don't act like a dumb blonde! U know what I'm talking about.”

“no, I don't, really!” I actually had no clue at where she was going with this. She stared at me for a minute. “Whatever! I have no clue what your doing! So I'll just leave, I'll call a cab so something!”

                “No! Wait! Don't go! I was just getting at the fact that what guy wouldn’t want you?! In other words, don't lead Taylor on! Just because Joe isn’t around at the moment does mean you go and have someone totally different!”

                “I'm not leading him on, Julie! If anything he is leading me on! Have you seen his smile, the way he holds me? You only do that when your in love with someone!”

                “Exactly, Taylor.”


                “He loves you.”

                I sat in silent, thinking about it. If he loved me, did that mean I loved him back, was the beginning of our relationship love at first sight? I started to break down crying.

“TayBear, I didn't mean to make you cry!”

“Is it possible to fall for two guys at one time?” I asked through my tears.

She chuckled. “of course.”

“I didn't mean to kiss him Julie! I promise! I was just planning on chilling. I didn't expect him to kiss me. I didn't except to fall in love with him. I didn't expect Joe to be in the hospital...

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