Valentines Day (Part Two) - Chapter Twenty

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So Taylor was perfect! What could I say? He made me feel special! And I was getting really excited! But the words from the paparazzi continued to ring in the back of my head. Joe was out of the hospital? And... The press didn't know about our break-up. And now I was going to look like a cheater. Whether I was gonna call Joe or not, I still hadn’t decided!

He parked in the parkade of a mall. One of the bigger malls, the ones that everyone went to... so that made me a tad bit nervous! But I trusted Taylor, and I'm sure he knew what he was doing.

That's when the paparazzi showed up.

“Looks like we are going to have to get body guards again.”I stated, getting blinded by the lights.

“This really sucks.”

“You can say that again.”

“In Nashville, we don't have these problems.”

“Don't get any ideas! You’re not leaving me! I just go you back!”

“Of course not, never!” We got out of his car and he took my hand. “Maybe we should just give them what they want...”

“Its going to make you look like a cheater!”

“I don't care! My fans know me, and that's all that really matters!”

“I don't want you to do this for me...”

“I know, I want to do it for... we! See what I did there! Made a rhyme! Smart thinker, right! am I right?”

He laughed. “Ok, well let’s do this.” While our conversation went on the flashes didn't stop.

And the paparazzi started chanting, “KISS KISS KISS KISS!”

I’ve learnt that if you give them what they want, they eventually go away! So I wrapped my arms around Taylor’s neck and kissed him. Nothing too big, nothing to small, just sweet enough for the paparazzi to go wild and let us be.

And that's exactly what they did; they left, and let us be!

He took me shopping and we passed a jewellery store which he dragged me into. And not just any jewellery store...

Tiffany & Co...

My favourite jewellery store

“What do you want?” Taylor asked.

“Oh no! You’re not buying me anything!”

“Yes I am!” he grabbed my hand.

“This is really nice!” the sales lady said showing us a diamond bracelet. Each diamond in the shape of a small heart.

“Yes, that is really nice but it looks really expensive.” I commented.

“I'm getting you something whether you like it or not! So why not like it!”

I rolled my eyes. “I'm not letting you buy this for me!”

“Why not try it on?” she sales lady said handing it towards me. I put out my hand and Taylor put it on.

“Almost as beautiful and sparkly as your eyes.”

I smiled. If it was any other guy that played my songs into our conversations, I think I might puke, but on him, it was super cute!

“It is really pretty...” I smiled. “And I do love sparkly things.”

“Please, just let me get it for you!”

I looked at him then back at the cashier. “I give in way to easy!”

They both laughed. And that's when I spotted a beautiful ring. It was sitting in one of the blue boxes and I almost couldn’t take my eyes off of it. But I snapped out of it! I didn't want Taylor to see and think I would rather something else, because, that bracelet was absolutely divine!

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