It's Me, TayBear -Chapter Seven

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I was hoping that maybe they would just leave me alone about Joe. I walked with Ashley and talked. She’s one of those people that can make you feel better, change the subject. She just makes you happy with her bubbly personality, same with Julianne! She’s one of the sweetest people I know!

Instead when I walked into the room I saw my dad, brother, and mom there! My dad stood up and I immediately I ran into his arms. I hugged my brother and mom after. I hardly ever get to see my dad or brother. Especially when I'm on tour! A tear dribbled from my right eye.

“I’ve missed you guys all so much!” I smiled.

“Well, it's been hard since you have moved to LA” my dad smiled back.

“That was her choice.” Austin scoffed.

Austin is my little brother. He is one of the funniest people I know! Growing up, he was one of my best friends. But, the thing is, is that, he never really approved of Joe. It's hard having two people you love, fight like cats and dogs. Joe doesn’t hate Austin, but put it this way, why would you want to be friends with someone who absolutely hates your guts.

“Austin, please don't be like that.” I said facing him, sitting beside me.

“Taylor, you know very well, that I never liked Joe, I liked having you in Nashville, I already then hardly ever seen you, and now, it's like never! Holidays and when something like this happens!”

I sighed. And my mom stepped in, changing the subject. “Would you like to go have a late lunch?”

“Sure, any ideas?”

My dad laughed. “You’re the one that lives in LA”

“Well, I don't know! How about the cheesecake cafe?”

“Not all of us can live on cheesecake” my brother chuckled.

“They have other stuff there!” I rolled my eyes.

“Well, let’s head then. It was nice seeing everyone.” My mom stood up. “Especially you, Julianne!” my mom said, then hugging her.

“Likewise Momma Swift!”

Everyone hugged everyone except Jackson who didn't have a clue who anyone was and just took a handshake. I laughed when I walked up to him and put out my hand for a handshake.

“Nah, you get a hug.” He chuckled.

“Ashley, are you jealous yet?” I said being sarcastic.

“Yes! I'm fuming!” she giggled then kissed Jackson.

                We were walking out the door, when I eyed Selena sitting on the couch. She didn't hug anyone. All she did was smile, and maybe said a few words to Austin and my mom, but that's it. She looked at me as my family piled into the hallway. Any other time I would’ve invited her to come along. But I was truly mad at her for what she did. I was just about to walk out the door myself when I heard “Wait!”

                I stopped in my tracks and spun around. Selena stood up and walked up to me. The room went silent. She didn't say anything and I was hoping to get an apology. She grinned, but before I knew it her hand was hitting my face and my jaw dropped as I felt my face. I had no clue at what everyone else in the room was doing. “Bitch!” she started screaming. “Sank! Slut! Whore!”

                Everyone was in awe, and Jackson pulled her back. Selena was screaming and fighting Jackson to let her go, but she was just a teen and not strong enough to fight him. She continued to scream the words.

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