For My Future Husband - Chapter Thirty One

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I swear for about twenty minutes he just held me while I cried silently into his tanned muscular arms. I was forced to let go when the cookie timer went off and he had to grab them. But he soon came back and I was balling into his arms.

"It's not to late to get the pain killers..." He said softy, rubbing my back.

I shook my head in refuse. "I don't want to. It's not even medicine just some weird pill to take away pain, it would be like taking a advil, they just don't work!" I sniffled.

"Okay." Tay was clearly just trying to help, but I kept shooting him down. But I was right. I knew the pills wouldn't help. I once fell on stage a few years ago. I hurt my tailbone. They said there was nothing you could do except take pills. So take I did. If anything, it made the pain worse! I was worried the scratches might have gotten infected. I ran a free hand over them. And with out looking, I could tell every centemeter there was a scratch and they were starting to scab. I guess one good thing out of this is that I scab quickly and that I never pick. As a kid I would pick at my scratches and cuts, but everytime I did my mom would put something in my hands. When I was twelve she would hand me a guitar pick.

Taylor picked up two cookies and handed me one. I managed a smile. I guess he understood me because we're a couple. And I guess when a couple really get's along, and are really in love, you feel what the other feels. You understand each other more. Get where the other is comming from. "Maybe you should get some rest." He said taking my hand.

"No way I will be able to sleep with this pain."

"You should try, I can make dinner." I raised my eyebrows. "Ok, I can order dinner." I sighed. "Your producer will understand if your sick and had to order in."

I slowly nodded my head and gave in. "Ok, I guess your right."

He smiled, kissed my forhead, and held my hand as I jumped down from the counter. "Love you."

I kissed his check. "Love ya too." I let go of his hand and slowly made my way up to bed. I got to the bed and colapsed. I had almost fogot about the gift Ash had gaven me until I heard a russtle and looked beside the bed. Mere poked her head out and saw me. She jumped out and then on top of me. I giggled. "Shall we see what's in here?" I asked, reaching for the bag. She meowed and I took it as a yes. I looked in the bag and there was a box. Not really what I was expecting. I pulled it out and read the writing that was wrote in permanent marker. "To: our lovely TayBear, Congrats! We Love you! Love: Ash and Jules." I laughed as Meredith attacked the bag and I rolled my eyes.

 I pulled off the lid and light pink tissue paper covered the top. I pulled it off and something purple and satin sat there. My mouth slightly opened and my eyes widened a tad. I licked my lips as I pulled the satin from its box. I should have seen it comming. Lingerie. The purple was a darker kinda purple and really royal. I hung the spegetti straps on my pointer fingers. The bust part basically looked like on of my sundresses, but like I said before, a royal purple satin. But under the bust there was a floral patern but it was lace. And that section looked like it ended just under the belly button. Then, after the lace bit, there was a small skirt but, knowing my friends, it wouldn't cover much. I can't believe they got this for me! Sure, I'm engaged but me being me, did they really think that was appropriate? But then again, its Ashley and Julianne. My goofballs. I stuck the piece of lingerie back in the box and stuck it just under the bed.

The pain almost became numb when I was lying down. I felt them throb, but it wasn't as... Intense. But that got me thinking. The dress. Was this a hint? Did he put them up to it? I would hope not, and I'm sure he wouldn't... He's not like that... Or was he? I had known the guy about three months andwe were already engaged. What's weird is that, when Joe proposed, I felt like I had to say yes. But with Taylor, it was different. I said yes to my best friend. I felt like I know everything about him, and could easily tell him any secret, any insecurity.

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