A Blessing In Disguise - Chapter Eight

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I sat between Austin and Taylor on one of the couches, crying my eyes out in my hands.  “I don't know what kind of sick joke he thinks this is.” Austin said, pissed.

“I don't think it’s a joke, Austin.” Kevin said lying in bed with his foot elevated. “Its not something Joe would joke about.”

Austin was about to say something but I grabbed his hand and stopped him. My eyes blotchy, red and itchy, I could barely see. Hardly able to speak I said, “Please, Austin. Don't.” I put my head on his shoulder and Julianne walked in with the doctor behind her.

“He isn’t Joking.” She said sitting beside Ashley on the couch crossing her arms, trying to not tear up.

“Miss Hough is right. He isn’t joking. I was completely unaware until now. I did some verbal tests with Mr Jonas. It seems he remembers everything. Dates, times, places, and people. He even remembers hitting his head.”

“Then what is it?” Austin said, speaking for me.

“He has no recollection of his and Miss Swift’s relationship. He remembers the accident, but not who is was trying to reach. He remembers going to dinner on Sunday, but not who with. It’s almost as if his memory has been swiped of Miss Swift.”

A rush came over me as I shivered. Taylor took my hand and I fell into his shoulder crying. He may as well have died, I was being completely tortured. And if he didn't die, then maybe I should have.

“But we do have some good news.”  I don't know what good could come out of this. “He wants to see you.” I wiped my eyes and sniffled. I stood up and walked with the doctor to Joe’s room. “I'll let you two talk for awhile.” she said before walking away.

I opened the door and I saw him perched up in bed, looking at pictures. He looked at the door. “Oh, hi.” He said. I could tell he felt a tad bit uncomfortable.

“Hey.” I said quietly as I walked up to his bed that had a chair beside it and I sat down.

He took a deep breath. “Julianne gave these to me.” He turned the pictures so I could see. Various pictures of us hugging and kissing. I don't know where she found them. “She says this one is the latest.” He passed it to me.

I took it and my eyes watered.  Right after the engagement I had snapped a photo of our faces and my hand, with my ring. I was trying so hard to not cry. “This was right after we got engaged.”

“Sunday, right?”

I shook my head, yes. “You don't know how hard this is for me.”

“I can imagine. If you’re my fiancé, like Julianne says, and I have no recollection of you, I can imagine.”

I started to silently cry. “I love you so much, Joe. Even if you don't remember all we have been through together, I will always love you. I'm sure you don't want to be with me, you have no clue at how our life was, how you felt, but, I will still love you.”

“I don't know. I mean, I would love to say ‘I love you too’ but, I don't want to get you going on anything. Maybe we can stay friends. I don't really know if I want to rush into anything right now. I'm so confused at why I don't remember you. But, maybe this is a blessing in disguise. I mean you don't seem like the kind of girl I'd be with; you seem too good for me. Honestly, I can remember looking at articles of you and what not, and thinking, ‘wow, if only I was good enough for her.’ maybe one day that could change.”

I nodded my head. “This is too much torture for me.” I said quietly, but I'm sure he heard me. I kissed his cheek quickly then left.

Walking back to the other room I took my time. Blessing in disguise. I looked at my feet walking. There was no way in this world he knew about what happened with Taylor and I. Julianne wouldn’t tell him and risk it. Blessing in disguise. I wasn’t too good for him, he knows that! ...he used to know that.  A tear dripped down my cheek to the floor.  Lyrics to my mind.

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