Unknown Number - Lautner's POV - Chapter Sixteen

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Her eyes started to water even more than they already were and she smiled. She laughed pathetically at herself and wiped her tears. She pulled her hands back into mine. “Are you serious? Even though I'm leaving?”

“Especially since you’re leaving!”

“Are you sure?”

I laughed. “Of course I'm sure!”

She hugged me as tight as she absolutely could and jumped into my arms, I held her in the air. When I put her back to the wet pavement she was wearing the biggest smile.

“So? Are you gonna answer?”

“Of course!” she screamed and kissed me with her wet lips. We were drenched and I held on to her wet skin with my hands and she pulled on my neck.

Her curls were soaked down with water making them somewhat half curled, half not. And even though her eyeliner was smudged and her face was red from crying she still looked gorgeous! She pulled away from the kiss and touched her forehead to mine.  

I kissed her nose and took her hand. I walked her back to the house in our bare feet. She stopped walking just before she reached the steps of the house. “My feet are sore...” She wrapped her arms around my neck and I picked her up. She laughed. “This is the life!”

She was half asleep in my arms and I put her on the bed. “Goodnight Tay.” She mumbled.

“goodnight Swiftie.” I kissed her lips softly and she smiled, just about asleep.

“Taylor...wake up. I have to go...” she whispered, rubbing my arm, sitting behind me on her knees. She kissed my cheek. “Taylor... I have to go!”

I rolled over. “I'll drive you...” I sat up and started rubbing my eyes.

“No babe, its fine. I'm driving; I'll leave my car at the airport.


“I have to go, like... now!”

I jumped up and pulled on a shirt. “What time is it anyway?”


“Oh my god!”

“You don't have to take me!”

“I know, but I want to!”

She smiled “Your amazing!”

“I know!” I laughed. “Let's go!” She jumped off the bed and I saw her in a jeans and a t-shirt. “That's pretty casual for you.”

She looked down. “Oh, ya... I'm just going to the air port. Enough to look good but at the same time, enough to be comfy at 1am in the winter.”

“It’s fine!” I pulled her chin and she looked into my eyes. I kissed her deeply and she blushed. “You could be wearing a paper bag and I'd still be completely in love with you. But... let’s go!” I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the car. Her bags were already in her vehicle so I just drove that.

We arrived at the airport and I carried her bags as far as they would let me. Her eyes were watery and bloodshot. Bloodshot mainly because it was 2am, and she I'm sure got up at midnight and had two cups of coffee. Tears, I'm not sure why.

She hugged me and kissed my cheek. “Thank you!”

“No problem, Swiftie.”

“I'll miss you!”

“I'll miss you too!”

“I would hope so!” she smiled. “Just wait... for me, to come back.”

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