No, Not Cuts-Lautner's POV-Twenty Eight

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“I just think we need time…” I said, but before I could finish she ran off. She was holding back tears, her lip quivering. “To figure things out, this isn’t the end…” I mumbled but I knew she didn’t hear me. "I'm taking Lulu back to Nashville tomorrow!" I called after her. "Then we can work things out."

Truth be told there wouldn't be any troubles if there wasn't a Lulu around. If she was my own, she would be in her own room and it wouldn't matter if mommy and daddy kissed, and it wouldn't matter if you got a babysitter to go out. But since we were the babysitters, we can't go get one. I know Taylor loves me and I know I just broke her heart, but, I couldn't go on. Not with Lulu here.  When I told her yes, I thought she meant a week, maximum. And I didn't think it would make our relationship get all bumpy. Turns out, it’s been three weeks gone by just about four! Time was flying by, and making our relationship stand on pins and needles. I don't even think Taylor realised how much time had gone by. And when we don't do what normal couples do, we need to do the little romantic stuff. Tuff with a four year old around.

I wanted to run after her. I didn't want to leave in six hours, and leave our relationship like this. On edge and... Just not right. But I know her, better than a lot of people, and she doesn't like when people chase her, chase after her. She feels closed in and preassured. And she is already preasured enough. I packed the final additions of Lulu's things and went to bed.

"Big T?" Lulu asked, poking my shoulder. She then itched under her french braid Taylor had done after her bath last night.

"Ya?" I asked starring out the plane window. (She had called aisle seat)

"Why are we leaving?"

"Because its time for you to go back to your mommy! She's giving you a baby sibling, member?" I looked at her.

She nodded. "But why isn't Auntie comming then?"

"Cause she is busy with some things."

"Or is it because she just didn't want to go to Nashville to see Grant?"

My eyes widened. Taylor was right, this kid did know everything! "Nah, just busy."

"Otay." She leaned her head on my arm. "I'm excited to see mommy!"

"I bet you are!" I laughed.

"Hello, this is your Captin speaking. Please buckle your seat belts if you haven't already. We are about to land. Thank you fro flying with us." Said from the PA. I buckled Lulu in as I did the same. I passed her a piece of gum. "Don't get this in your hair."

"Thank you." She squeaked.

"GRANT!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, running into his arms. I was following behind her with both her suitcases.

He kissed the top of her head and smiled. "I missed you little cutie!"

I knew what Taylor and Grant had gone through before. They both had crushes, but he was basically in love. He set lulu down and extended his hand. "I'm Grant. You must be the Lucky man!"

I shook his hand. "Some would say." I shrugged. "I'm Taylor."

He chuckled, "I know. You wanna come back to our place?"

I thought about it for a minute. "Why not!" I shrugged and followed them. The only reason I said yes was because I wanted to give her space, let her breathe for a minute.

"So how long have you and Taybear been together?" Why everyone had nicknames for her, I didn’t know. But he didn't need to know we broke up. And I know Tay. She wouldn't call anyone, just stay in her room and think. It broke my heart that I knew I was hurting her... But she didn't let me finish! "Not very long..." I shrugged.

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