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I could barely contain my excitement when I saw the big metal cut out sign that said, "Howdy! From the Town of Hudson". Above the welcoming was a cut out silhouette of a cowboy tipping his hat. Under the great big sign was a wooden sign that was hand crafted and said, "Small, but mighty population of 2,208." Well at least it's grown in the last two years of my absence.   

I was born and raised in the little town located in Montana, Hudson was all I knew. Well that, and the life of a cowgirl. I've been raising cattle, roping steers, pickin' eggs, going to church every Sunday, and riding horses since I came out of the womb. Seriously, before I could even walk, my parents had me riding horses. 

My family owns the very famous CJ Ranch. It's one of the most successful and popular ranches between Montana and other states. Earning my family a lot of respect, and may I say, lots of money. Also, my family is evolved in one of my favorite sports, rodeo. My dad won the National Finals for team roping and steer wrestling. My beautiful mother was an amazing barrel racer and also won the National Finals. My crazy brother is one of the best saddle bronc riders in the world.

Horses and other animals are my passion. My dream job is to be a farm veterinarian, and I am real close, even though I'm 18. You're probably thinking, how could she be close to becoming a vet, she's so young?  Well, I'm basically a hometown prodigy. I was advanced in everything.

I could talk, walk, and wipe my own ass before everyone else my age. I am super smart, like five grades above. Honestly, I wish I wasn't this smart. It's a waste, I wanna be a farm vet, not some scientist who someday creates a cure for cancer or something. I actually hate science. 

Being so advanced for my age had many perks. By the age of three, I was starting the stage of creativity. So all the beads I had from my girly barbie packages, I used them for making my own jewelry. I obviously had no idea what I was doing, but my mom helped me out a lot. I was starting to help my family earn some extra cash on the side. 

By the age of eight, I was already competing in rodeos. My specialty, barrel racing. I would have to have special saddles, to keep me from flying of my speedy horses. I was one of the few girls that actually competed in rodeo, besides my best friend Taylor, and a couple other girls. The rest of the girls either jumped horses, and didn't live on a farm, or the other girls hated the small town and left when they had the chance. 

And by the age of 11, I was again earning my own money from skull decoration. I didn't rip people off, like the the big name brands do. I usually sold the skull for around $100. My creativity was well built over the eight years. We had a lot of skulls around the ranch, and the beading around here was cheap, so I earned a lot of money growing up. When I was 13, I worked for my dad at the Livestock Barn, earning me more cash.

Being in rodeo had me missing a lot of school, so I had to do some online classes. That made me even more advanced, because on the car rides I was bored, and chose to do more courses than I was suppose to. I actually like learning, just not science, that I hated doing. But the hatred I had, pushed me more to finish it. 

But the thing I am most proud of is the diner. DaKota's Diner, to be exact. That's right, its my diner. I didn't do it by myself, my family obviously took care of the finical and other stuff, but I managed the menu, location, interior and exterior, and the staff. 

The Diner turned out to be a major success!  For the first year, it was almost full every night. I quit my job at the Livestock Barn and became a waitress at my Diner. The best thing about the diner, is the famous homemade ice cream. In reality, any one can make homemade ice cream, but this recipe was a family secret. It earned a lot of tourists and daily customers. 

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