The Outlaw

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I screwed my mascara brush back into the tube and looked at myself in the mirror and decided I was finally satisfied with my eyelashes. I ran my fingers through my freshly washed hair and combed over how I liked it. There was something about taking showers in the morning that made me ready to take the on the day head first. Also, I was exhausted from last night so it also gave me a nice wake up. 

As I walked into the kitchen, the sweet smell of warm strawberry juice and waffles filled my senses making my glands salivate. "Good morning, sweetie." My mother said to me as she was cooking eggs at the stove. 

"Morning." I said quietly as I saw my dad come and sit down at the table, him looking at me. We both gave each other a look that said "don't wanna talk about it" I guess we came to an understanding, but not forgiveness, for me anyway. 

I took my seat unwillingly next to my father as my mother brought the tray of Belgium waffles that looked mouth watering. As always, my dad got first pick, then me, and then my mom. We passed what we wanted around the table. I added the warm strawberries to my waffles, with some grapes and pineapples on the side, and some eggs and bacon. As always, orange juice was my drink. 

My dad stuck out his hand and so did my mother, I hesitated with my dads, but I quickly took his in mine. I bowed my head and closed my eyes as my father started the morning fast prayer. "Dear Lord, we thank you for letting us wake up to another beautiful Monday morning. Also, thank you for letting us be fortunate enough to have this meal this morning, and as a family. We ask you to protect us from any harm that may come to us throughout the week as we work hard in your name. We ask that you bless our family, friends, and neighbors. Please continue to help us go down the right path in our journey in your greatest gift of life. Amen." 

I don't understand how my father could be so sentimental during a prayer, but yet be so rough with his word usage any other time. I guess the power of Lord works in mysterious ways, especially on my dad. 

Washing the dishes, I looked up at the window and watched my father drive down our dirt road. He didn't say where he was going, which he never usually does. He probably doesn't want me coming in case I wasn't "ready" for it. I rolled my eyes to myself at the thought. Whatever, I'll just have to get over it and prove myself to him, even though I shouldn't have to. "Where is he going?" I asked my mother who was cleaning the kitchen. 

"An auction in Bowman." She says and I nod to myself as I continue watch him drive. I feel myself glaring at him as my mind goes deeper and deeper on what all my father has said to me since I got back from Bismarck. I did nothing to make him say these things, I was so confused. He's treating me like such a young and clueless little girl, it's pissing me off. "DaKota!" My mother's voice breaks through my thinking. 

"Hm?" I say blankly to her. 

"Are you alright?" She asks from beside me, when did she get there? 

"Huh-yeah." I say and look down at the dish I'm holding, or should I say death gripping. One squeeze of my hand and I'm sure the dish would shatter into a million pieces. I loosened my hold and looked at my mother who looked concerned. 

"Do you want to go for a ride? It's a beautiful morning, and you could use a hair cut." My mom says calmly and runs her fingers through my hair, focusing on the ends. 

"Sure, sounds great." I say with a small smile and then put the dish into the drying side and wipe my hands dry. 


I slid off my mare Scarlet's left side and I grabbed her reins and tied them to a branch on the tree, making sure she had enough room to be comfortable. My mom and I didn't say much on our ride up to our hair cutting spot, on top of a hill that overlooks the barn and our ranch. All she said during the ride was, "You know you can tell me anything." I found it weird and suspicious of her to say that. It was a beautiful spot and very relaxing to just sit up here. We had managed to keep a chair up here, because mom would always cut Caleb and I's hair ever sense we were kids. 

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