Church Whispers

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I closed my journal and threw my head back remembering that drunken night. It was a month ago since then, and I still remember how I felt the next morning. I told myself I would never drink again. But the hangover isn't the only thing that sucked that morning. I remembered why I was drunk, he didn't show. 

I didn't tell Ryder why I was there, but later the next day, people found out that Cooper was released, and then he realized it himself. I'm not sure he thinks I went there just to drink, or if I went there to meet him. Anyways, it got pretty awkward, but we're back to normal again. When the whole town knew he was out, they went back to treating me like some physco waiting to relapse. 

I didn't try to ask or find Desiree the next day. I'm sure she knows where he was, he wouldn't ditch his own mother. I didn't want to know, because it would of broke my heart to know he was at home with her when he could of came to see me after a year and a half. 

I still have no idea where he is. My guess is that he moved back to Arkansas and started a new life down there, he always talked about how he loved it down there. But the part that gets me is that he wouldn't just leave his mother and brother like that, but I guess it's none of my business. 

I walked downstairs to a great smelling breakfast that my mother cooked up. It's weird to be having breakfast at home on a Sunday Morning, usually we go to church and then have breakfast at the diner. But there is a huge horse auction here today, so 10:00 mass has been moved to seven p.m. 

My mom was making scrambled eggs, sausage, and breakfast pizza. My dad was already seated at the table and Caleb and Ashley were sitting at the kitchen counter talking to my mom. They were holding hands under the table it melted my heart. "Good morning." I say to them as my feet hit the wooden floor. 

"Morning." They all greet to me. 

As we sit down at the table, I catch Caleb and Ashley looking at each other constantly. Like they were communicating with their minds. I'd usually expect Caleb try to do that, but Ashley? Something was definitely going on. 

I kept a close eye on them as we started to dish our plates. I took a scoop of eggs, lots of sausage, and two small pieces of breakfast pizza. I poured myself a cup of orange juice and handed it to my mother beside me. "Give me your hands." My dad says and then bow my head, ready for grace. 

"Dad, wait. Do you mind if I say it today?" Caleb nervously asks my dad. My dad looks at us suspiciously before nodding his head. 

"Dear the Lord in Heaven, we thank you for this plentiful meal and everything that went towards it. We thank you for another great day in the state of Montana on this great green Earth. We ask you to keep our crops and livestock healthy in order to keep doing what we love. We also ask you to keep our family safe and healthy and stronger than ever, now that you blessed us with another one. Amen." My eyes shot open to the last part of grace. 

Caleb and Ashley sat there, hand in hand, smiling devilishly at us. "Are you saying that-" My mother choked on her own words. 

They smiled at each other and nodded, "We're having a baby!" 

I jumped out of my chair and yelled, "I'm going to be an aunt!!!!" I was so overwhelmed with joy and happiness, it was so exciting! "Congrats!!" I say to them as I engulf them in a warm bear hug. 

When I pulled back, I noticed Ashley was crying happy tears and then my mother embraced her with another warm hug. "I'm going to be a grandma!" My mother cried, making me laugh. 

"At least you know how to do something right," My dad actually joked and we all laughed. "Congrats son." My dad said and hugged Caleb. 

Over this past year, my dad has been less harsh on Caleb and has been helping him start taking over our ranch. It's very touching to see my dad do this with Caleb, because I know it means a lot to him. And now one day, my dad will be teaching my nephew/niece!  

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