The Picture (Cooper's POV)

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      **** This will be Cooper's point of view from the previous chapter

I put my empty cereal bowl into the dishwasher, and as I was walking away I realize my mom forgot her cellphone here. Classic one mom. I'll remember that the next time she tells me I didn't answer my phone on the first time. I did know where she was though, DaKota's birthday party. 

I spent two hours contemplating if I was going to go or not. For one, I didn't have a gift for her. Two, I would of made it awkward with all her friends and family there, not to mention Ryder. Three, I was afraid I was going to make matters worse. What that meant, I had no idea. It could of gone one way, but also a way different way. 

So I decided to stay home and watch TV. But to deal with my boredom and new found sadness, I decided to look through my mom's photos on her phone. I know she only had pictures of Reese and I, so maybe it would bring back good memories. 

I started maybe from three years ago, this woman needed to learn how to download her photos onto the computer. Most of them were us packing our things from our old house, and then us unpacking our things here. I smiled when I stopped on one where I was pretending to pack Reese into a box with the packing peanuts, man I loved my brother and his smile. 

As I scrolling through, one picture caught my eye. As I went back to find it, my smile turned into a heartbroken frown. I had never seen this picture before. It was from when DaKota helped us deliver the calves. She was in between my legs, tired from doing all the work. Man she looked so beautiful, even with the sweat beads on her forehead, and her cow stained gloves. And my face showed it. I've never seen myself look like that, so in love

Right there and then, that picture changed it all for me. I knew what I had to do, and I had to do it now. I stood up from the couch and marched over to where our computer was, and then I connected the phone to the computer. 

I stood outside of the Jones' house and debated my whole idea as I looked down at the present I had in my hands. This was the exact feeling I had when I came here to ask Mr. Jones if I could take DaKota out on a date. That is when it all started, the greatest day of my life. This was my only chance, I had to do it. 

I knocked on the door and not long after DaKota's mom opened the door, really surprised at who she saw. I didn't blame her. "Cooper." She said in a happy surprise voice, then she looked down at the gift. "Come in."

"Thank you." I said and then took off my hat as I entered her home. I automatically looked around for Colby, thank God he wasn't in here. 

"DaKota isn't here, but if you want-"

"No, I know ma'am.. Uh, I was just wondering if I could put this in her bedroom." I said and motioned towards the gift. 

"Yeah, go ahead." She was hiding her confusion, but I could still tell. I give her a polite nod and then make my way up to DaKota's bedroom. 

I open the door and see nothing has changed, except for new photos of her and Ryder. The feelings of the old memories of me being in here flood my body, making me smile to myself. Deciding not to seem like a creep, I place the gift on the middle of her bed and then head back downstairs. "Thank ya ma'am." I said and tip my hat to her. She says nothing to me, still in shock that I even showed up.


I leaned my forearms against the shower walls, rethinking everything. Did I make a mistake? Is this going to make her hate me even more? What did I expect will happen? Why did I come to my cabin? Now she's going to think I ran away again. I am such an idiot. 

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