Son of a bitch

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I jolted awake when I heard, "Police! Put your hands where I can see them!" I turned over so I was resting my back against the head board, and put my hands in the air. Their flashlights blinded my awaking eyes, but it still didn't blind out the guns they pointed at us. I looked at Cooper and he did the same thing as me.  

"What the hell is going on?" Cooper yelled as two police officers came to his side of the bed. 

I was scared out of my mind watching all of the officers with their guns pointing them at us, "Ma'am, are you hurt?" One comes to me and I shake my head. 

"What's going on?" I asked frustrated, still keeping my hands in the air. 

They grabbed Cooper's hands and put them behind his back hand cuffing him, "Cooper Blackwood you are under arrest for attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be and will..-" They read him the Miranda Rights as they walked him out of his room. 

"Attempted murder?! " Cooper says to them like they're crazy, because they are! 

"Cooper!" I yelled to him and he gave me one last look as he left the room. He didn't look scared, but sorry that I had to see this.  

Bill must of went to the police after Cooper shot him, that son of a bitch. But how come they didn't arrest Bill, he's a wanted criminal around the country!! Something is not right here. "Ma'am, we're going to need to you come down to the station to answer some questions." An officer said to me as I followed them out of the room. 

The blue and red flashing lights were all over his yard, but I managed to find Desiree by the police car they put Cooper in, she was crying, begging them to stop. I ran over to her and wrapped her in a hug, "It's going to be okay, he'll be fine." I say to her, but really I was just trying to convince myself. 


We've been here for three hours, and we still haven't seen Cooper, and we probably won't until his trial, if he is tried. All we know is that he is being charged with second-degree attempted homicide against Bill Blackwood. After they found out who he really is, they arrested him in the hospital where he is getting stitched up. 

I checked the time on my phone, 5:36. I checked my missed calls, four from my mother, two from Caleb, one from Ashley, and one from Taylor. Was I going to return the calls? Nope. I had no interest in talking to them right now, I needed to be alone. I had already gone through my interrogation and that was tough, they really messed with my head, but I just told truth about what happened. 

"Here you go." A voice woke me out of my train of thought. I looked up and it was Cooper's lawyer with an iced caramel macchiato for me and Desiree. 

"Thanks." We both said at the same time. 

"Any news?" Desiree asked with big hopeful eyes.

"Yes, Cooper will be tried against a jury tomorrow at noon." I saw a tear slip from Desiree's eyes and I wrapped my arm around her trying to comfort her. 

"Does it look good for him?" Desiree asked through her sniffles. 

"It's hard to tell due to the circumstances on both sides, but I promise you I will do my best to protect your son." Lacy said and placed her hand on Desiree's knee.

"Can we see him?" I ask her. 

"Yes, but only one at a time. Desiree would you like to go first?" She asked softly and Des nodded and stood up slowly. Lacy showed her to the room and then she wandered off somewhere. I took a sip of my coffee drink and savored the flavor. 

Cooper just can't go to jail. He doesn't deserve to go to jail. His fucked up father deserves to die in jail, him, not Cooper. Who's going to help Desiree with the ranch? Who's Reese going to look up to? Who's ever going to make me feel the way Cooper does? 

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