Never Go Home

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I was awake, but I didn't want to open my eyes and ruin sleeping in with Cooper. My head was on on the soft spot of his shoulder while he was laying flat on his back, his left arm spread out for me. He was so warm I didn't want to leave him, just wanted to stay there forever. 

I don't remember how we ended up in the bed, or how he ended up shirtless and me wearing his tee shirt. But I do remember us cuddling last night on the couch for hours. We didn't say much but that was okay. It was romantic enough watching the lightning in the huge sky of the mountains. It was just like the night we first got together. It was perfect to me. 

Maybe I should make us some breakfast, I wonder if he had any food here. Opening my eyes, I sighed at the sight before me. The sun was shining through the blinds, making Cooper's skin glow and accenting his defined muscles. With the sun rays shining in, I could see the tiny dust particles floating in the air, making it seem like a dream. I moved my head slightly to see Cooper's head turned away from me and his eyebrows furred together, deeply asleep. 

I leaned up and kissed the sharp edge of his jaw. Then I carefully rolled away from him and got out of bed and stood up on the wooden floor. I started walking the door when I heard, "Hey girly." I couldn't help but smile ear to ear at his nickname for me. I turned around and walked closer to him. "What are you doing?" His voice was so light and happy, it melted my heart. He was so cute when he looked like this, all lovey-dovey and all. 

"I was gonna make us breakfast." I say softly and then he groans softly as he smiles romantically and grabs my hand lightly. 

He shakes his head and pouts a little, "Come lay with me." He starts to lay back, still holding my hand in his, making me fall with him. I giggle as I fall on him, and then he wraps his arms around me and flips us around so he's on top. As we lay in the middle of the bed, he uses both of his arms to hover over me. He uses a soft finger to move a piece of hair out of my face, and then he looks at me. I wish mental pictures were a thing, because if they were I would take one right now. 

Cooper's face read that he was content, proud, and in love. It was the most beautiful face I had ever seen. He was smiling like a fool, it made my heart melt into a big gushy puddle. "You are so beautiful." He whispers as he looks around my face. 

I lean up and he leans down connecting our lips for another breath taking kiss. I don't care what anyone says, morning kisses are the best. Somehow you can't the notice the bad breath, how could you when the love of your life is kissing you? 

The kiss was short, but I didn't care. He looked down at me and we both smirked like fools in love. Then I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and brought him down onto my body and then we rolled around in the bed. The room was full of laughter and giggles, from us wrestling and tickling each other. While I was wrestling Coop, and he was ticking me. 

Somehow I got on top and straddled his waist and smirked triumphantly, "I won." His hands went to the side of my thighs and rested there. 

"I'm the real winner." There he goes again making the face, the face every girl wants to see from her man. 

I blush and push on his chest and then get off him and off the bed. "C'mon lets get food." I say as I leaned against the door frame. 

He had his hands behind his head, looking me up and down, really making me blush. "I missed you wearing my shirts." I broke my toothless smile, to hide my blush I turned my head and left the room and headed for the kitchen. 

I opened all of the cabinets to find some type of food. All I have is some eggs, cheese, and some milk. I guess I'll just make us some omelets. I go back to the cabinet where I think had the pots and pans. When I bend back up, my backside rubs against a hard body and my back his against a hard chest. I can feel his breath against my neck, and then starts to run his fingers up down my arms. "Can you ever just stop touching me?" I joke with him as I lean back into him. 

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