Everything But This

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I am going to kill my family. Instead of all of us going going to a rodeo in Esther, they ditched me so I could watch Nash. Who is Nash? Why, he is my 11 month old cousin who my aunt and uncle decided to drop on us because an opportunity came up from them to go on a cruise. Gotta love family. I really don't understand why I had to stay back and babysit Nash, I was entered to compete and my mother wasn't. My mom obviously has more experience than me, considering I only babysat once, and that was with 6 moth old and when I was 12! 

They dropped him off around 6 last night, and right away he threw a temper tantrum because of separation anxiety, but he calmed down. He acted up in the middle of the night. I had to wake up 6 different times to feed him, burp him, and change him. To say the least, I'm exhausted.  And now it's early in the morning, about 5:45 and time to feed Nash and do chores. It's one of those mornings that all I am wearing is a bra and tank-top and light blue flannel pj pants. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and walked into Nash's room. There the blue eyed boy stood in his crib, hugging his 'Bucky Bronc' stuffed animal. "Good morning my little Nashie boy." I say as I pick him up and bring him into my arms. 

"Good morwing." He smiles back at me and then looks down at his stuffed animal. 

"Do you want some yogurt for breakfast?" I ask him as we go down the stairs into the kitchen. I sit him down into his chair and turned the radio on, and the lovely sound of George Strait came on making me smile. 

"Bwue Bewwy!" He exclaims and throws up his hands and I laugh and nod. 

I reach into the fridge and pull out his blue berry yogurt and put it into a plastic bowl and grab a spoon for him. I sit down beside him encase he needs help eating, but Aunt Lisa said he could do it pretty well. So I checked all of my social media while Nash ate his nutritious yogurt. 

I hear murming beside me and I looked over and Nash had eaten all of us yogurt. I did a gasp and widen my eyes, "You ate all of your food! Good job Nash!" I say and kissed his nose, while he laughed with delight. He was the cutest little boy ever! "Okay, do you wanna go say hi to the horses?" I ask him as I pick him up out of his chair and support him with one arm as I clean up the mess. 

"Yes!" He throws his arms up in excitement making me laugh. 

I had dressed Nash in his little Stetson hat and his adorable cowboy boots, this kid was going to be a heart breaker, he already is. I let Nash walk around the stall while I mucked it out and exchanged hay in the stall. All of the horses were out in the field after Nash helped me turn them out, a smile never left his lips. Seeing how happy it made Nash made me feel like the best baby sitter in the world.


I am the worst babysitter in the world.. Nash was taking his day time nap, until I had dropped a frying pan in the kitchen, waking him up. Ever since then he will not stop crying! My insides were freaking out, panicking to stop the crying child. I had tried everything. I tried rocking him, feeding him, reading to him, changing him, and even trying to put him back to sleep! I even called my mother and my grandmother, they both said that they couldn't do anything unless they were there. 

One thing was for sure, I needed someone here with me because I was going to loose my shit pretty soon. I needed a mother. Actually, maybe River could help me. Still rocking Nash, I grabbed my phone and dialed River. "Hey DaKota." His voice comes through the other end of the line. 

"Do you know anything about kids?" I quickly ask him, making him chuckle. 

"How old?" He asks. 

"11 months." I reply to him and then he sighs. 

"Nope, never babysat in my life." He says making me groan. 

"Wait, why did it matter how old-never mind. I'll talk to you later." I say and then I hang up on him.

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