Check Yourself

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 The cliche saying of the rooster crowing in the morning is true, very true. But what it doesn't say is that the rooster won't shut up the hell up. I rolled over and grabbed the other pillow with my right hand it shoved the pillow over my face and groaned. I have a really busy day today for the diner, do I want to do it? Nope, but I have to. 

I sat up in my very comfortable bed and threw my covers off my bare legs and slowly get my legs to stand on my cool wooden floor and I walk to my bathroom. I flipped on the switch and let my eyes adjust to the bathroom lights and then I started combing my bed head. I took off my PJ clothes and then opened the shower door and turned the shower handle to a medium heat and began my shower. 

After my shower I put on a white tee shirt and some baby blue Nike running shorts. I ran my fingers through my wet hair and walked over to my chair and grabbed my journal and pen and walked over to my window seat and put a pillow against the wall for my back. 

I looked out the window and smiled at the clear blue sky and the slight wind dancing through the sage grass. It looked like it was going to be a warm day, and I'll be inside all day doing paperwork! 

                       "Dear Journal,                                                                 June 28, 2016

       Last night was terrible, again. Although it was different from last time though. This time I actually had a shirt on, but I was handcuffed again. I was so scared, screaming for him to stop but his smile just got bigger. He took a fistful of my hair and smelt it and moaned, then he ran his finger over every inch of my body, humming as he did it. "My little flower, so lovely.. You're all mine.." He would whisper to my skin, making me cringe and shiver.. 

      I woke up sweating and breathing heavily with my hair all over my face. I looked all around my room to see if  he was any where close, I knew he couldn't be in my room, but I just thought. After I calmed down a bit, I reached under my bed for my pair of boots. I grabbed the left one and grabbed the pill container and counted my pills, forgot to take one last night. The pills don't always work, but they help and I'm thankful for that. 

     I'm feeling disgusting even though I just took a shower, lately I can't get Wade of my mind. I've picturing him taking pictures of me, him watching me, him being him.. But I have to cover it up, my parents can't know I'm still thinking about it. They would worry too much about me, and I can't have this small town suspecting anything."

I stopped writing because I heard a truck coming down our drive, a black Powerstroke, Cooper's black Powerstroke. What is he doing here so early? I saw him look up at my window, that small gesture made me blush. Why was I blushing about that? I looked back down at my journal and picked up the pen. 

    "Cooper, you know him.. Cowboy with good looks, soft but dark brown eyes, structured face, strong arms, funny, smart, and very charming.. We've grown close to each other and I consider him a close friend.. Yeah, I'll be honest, I've thought of him of more than just a friend. Especially when he tried to kiss me that night, man I wish he would of kissed me.. 

     Dad doesn't like Cooper, or doesn't respect him. For what reason? I don't know. But I like him.. Cooper has been a lot more.. Flirty.. He's been giving me a lot of compliments, standing closer to me, and making romantic innuendos. It's making me feel different, a good different. He makes me forget about anything when we talk, he makes me feel good about myself again. But I can't like him is the thing.. I wish Cooper and I could ju-" 

I stopped writing when my door came open. I was a deer in the headlights when I saw Cooper and my mom together in my doorway. "Hi sweetie," I slid the journal on the side of my thigh, keeping my cool. "Cooper's here." She said sweetly looking up at the much taller Cooper. 

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