The Scar

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I get Scarlet close to the roping dummy and I give it some slack and then recoil it in my loops. I look at Ryder who is doing the same with his beautiful blue roan. "Nice throw hunny." He compliments me. 

"Thanks." I smile at him when I start to head back to the header's box of my arena. 

It was a great day to practice, it was really hot and there was no wind. The horses are getting a good exercise and so were we. It's 11 o'clock and we've been practicing since 9:30. I take my hat off and wipe the sweat across my forehead, while I do so I see Ryder looking at his phone. "Beau and Taylor and the others invited us to go on the lake with them today. Wanna go?" 

I looked around my ranch, I had all of my chores done, but I needed to train the yearlings. I looked at them in pasture and decided they could use a break, especially in this heat. "Sounds like fun. Do we need to bring snacks?" I ask him as I walk Scarlet out of the box and towards him. 

"I'll ask, let's go get untacked." He said and I nodded and followed him out of the arena. 

Ryder locked his pickup behind us as we walked towards the entrance of the grocery store. Taylor put us in charge of bringing food and drinks, even if it wasn't our idea to go to the lake. But I'm happy to help. I looked down at my shorts and my flip flops, and I tugged down my shorts to hide my scar. "Your butt isn't showing." Ryder said as he cocked his head back to look. 

"I know." I chuckled. 

"Then why did you pull them down?" He asks me. 

"It's more comfortable like this." I shrug and he does too. I haven't told him anything about my past, and I probably won't ever do it. Ryder hadn't noticed the little details about me to be suspicious of something. I was glad so then I wouldn't have to lie to him.  "So what are you hungry for?" I ask him as I grab a cart when we enter the grocery store. 

"Let's get some summer sausage and crackers, chips, and salsa. Little things like that." He said and it made me think of more ideas for food. 

I think Ryder and I picked out every easy food combination we saw, we were definitely set for at least a couple of days. But who knows how much the boys will eat. Never can be too safe. Now we are walking towards the beverage area to finish our shopping. "I wonder if they'll let me get beer without ID'ing me." Ryder snickers and I elbow him in the side and we laugh together. 

"Yeah well knowing Mrs. Watson, she'll throw a fit about be-"

"States!!" A little voice near us speaks out. I stop walking the cart and look to my left to see Reese in a wheel chair and making his way to me. Why was he in a wheelchair? 

"Hey buddy." I crouched down to be face to face with him, offering him a friendly smile. Then I see two legs behind him and I look up and it's Desiree. I offer her a sorry and awkward smile. We haven't talked in a very long time, and I feel guilty standing here with Ryder. 

"Who's he?" Reese says and peaks his head over my shoulder to look at Ryder. 

"Reese this is Ryder, Ryder this is Reese." I say and then stand back up. 

"Hi buddy." Ryder smiles at Reese, making me smile."Mrs. Blackwood, how are you?" 

"It's Ms. but I am doing just fine-"

"Is he your new boyfriend?" Reese interrupts his mother with a hurt and sad question. 

"Ryder, why don't you go get those drinks. I'll meet you over there." I say to him and then he gives Desiree a curt nod and leaves us. "How are you?" I ask her and she seems to relax now that Ryder isn't here. 

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