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I slipped on the dress and then added my wolf and moon necklace and then stood in front of the mirror

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I slipped on the dress and then added my wolf and moon necklace and then stood in front of the mirror. The dress made me look even more tan than I already was, and my dark hair complimented the dress. I fixed my makeup a bit and then divided my hair into three and started to braid my hair behind my head. 

My hair was so long, even in a braid it went down all the wall down my back, just to my tailbone. I also had a black anklet on my right foot with little diamond horseshoes on it, it was adorable. "DaKota Annie Jones! Are you almost done?" My mother barged into my room and looked around until she saw me. 

"Yes mom." I say back to her and she smiles at me. She comes over to me and wraps her arms around me and mine go up her back. 

"You look stunning." She says in the the hug and we pull back and she wraps an arm around my shoulder and my left arm goes around her waist and we start to walk out of my room. 

"Well I got it from my mama." I say and kiss her cheek. My mom was my biggest role model and my best friend. 

As I walked on the porch I realized how many people were here, a lot more than I expected. I saw Caleb standing with some buddies, he was wearing a black cowboy hat, a red, blue, and black flannel hoodie, and was holding a beer. Classic Caleb. 

"There she is!" My father's voice sticks out from the crowd and I see everyone's head turn towards me. My fingers find the hem of my dress and start playing with it. I looked up and gave everyone a smile and my eyes landed on Cooper's glance. He shows me his crooked smile and it made me a blush a little. 

After a couple of moments, everyone went back to talking, letting me relax now. I walk down the steps and I'm automatically greeted by Miss Kale. Miss Kale was a local who owned the giftshop I used to go to all the time. "Oh dear, it's great to have you back!" Her elder voice made me smile, she was very cute. 

"It's good to be back." I smile back at her. 

"I missed you so much! I didn't have no one to talk to about my Shetlands!" Miss Kale had two very cute Shetland ponies, they were like her children, since she wasn't married. She was happy though and didn't mind being single. I really admired her for that, she was a very positive person.

"Aw, I missed ya too!" I said and touched her shoulder. 

"Well I'll let ya be, I'm sure you have other people who miss you!" She said and turned away from me. I swung my arms and put my hands together and turned on my bare heal. I looked around and started looking around for Ashley. 

"Burgers, brats, and hot dogs are ready!" My father's voice boomed over the hungry people's voices. 

"Finally!" The group of boys say and they're the first ones at the grill, and food table. I stayed back to let the guests get their food first. 


I was currently laughing at Ashley and Taylor on the porch swing as we were finishing our burgers, and watching people. I was laughing because Taylor and Ash were arguing about the show Orange is the New Black. I had no idea what they were talking about, but they really were getting into it. 

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