Well What A Shame

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The first thing I saw when I opened my sleepy eyes was a muscular back. Cooper must of taken his shirt off while we were sleeping. All at once, last night's events hit me. One of the most intense nights I've ever experiencs. Before Cooper could wake up, I quietly went into the bathroom and took a swig of mint mouth wash, since I didn't have my toothbrush with me. 

I crawled back into bed, being as quiet as I could. Although I did peak over his shoulder to look at his sleeping face, he's so adorable. And this time I don't have to feel bad about it because I'm going to break up with River today, but what the hell are Cooper and I going to do about my dad?

Cooper starts to stir in his sleep and then he rolls on his left side, facing me. Then in a couple of seconds his eyes slowly open, and then he gives me a small smile. "Good morning." His incredibly sexy morning voice says, making me internally groan. 

"Morning." I smile back. 

"How long have you been up?" He asks me. 

"Just a couple minuets." I shrug and he nods. 

"Do you want breakfast, or to get going right away?" He asks me as he sits up in the bed, the covers coming down and covering his waists, and he rubs his eyes. 

"Well, I was hoping we could talk."

"We can do that on the trail, I still gotta wake up." He says and then I nod. "I'll go get your clothes." He said and then places his hand on my leg through the covers and gets up and leaves. I get off the bed and look out the door, it looks beautiful outside, even after the storm. I see the horses peek their heads out the window of the small shelter. "Here you go, I'm gonna go get the horses fed and ready." Cooper's voice makes me turn towards him. 

"I can help after I get dressed." I say to him and he shrugs. 

"Alright, but don't forget your stuff in the living room." He says and then he gives me a small smile and then leaves the room. 


After untacking and cooling down Sir Lance, it was finally time to face my parents. During the ride back Cooper and I didn't exactly set in stone about what we were going to do, but the whole time Cooper seemed very satisfied. With what, I don't know. During our ride back, I would see Cooper smiling to himself, even when we weren't talking. I hope it was because of us, but who knows. 

I walked into the house and was immediately consumed by my mother's arms, "Oh my sweet daughter!" She sighed with relief and tightened her arms around me. "Colby get in here!" She says as she lets me go and then my heart pace starts to quicken a little bit. 

I hear footsteps around the corner, and then stepped out my father, dressed in dirty clothes as usual. "Oh honey, you're home." He said and and then hugged me shortly, he was acting weird. 

"If you hadn't of found Cooper, I don't know what I would have done." My mom says and I look at my dad and he rolls his eyes. 

"Yeah, what a coincidence. Did he take care of you and your horse?" My dad says sternly towards me. 

"Yes, Cooper was very kind and put me first." I say to my dad in a mater-of-fact tone. 

"How does River feel about this?" My dad says and I almost scoff, since when he did care about River?

"I haven't told River." I say quietly and look to the floor. 

"What did you say?" His voice becomes louder and then I look up at him, "Why doesn't your boyfriend know that you spent the night with Cooper." 

"Because he hasn't talked to me since the wedding, and nothing happened." I say back to my dad. 

"Nothing happened?" My dad said back to me this time, making me raise my eyebrows at him. 

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